Johnson wouldn't have had them all escorted out. The optics would have been intolerable for him. They all should have continued to stand up and vocally protest.
That's not what he said. He said they should have walked out in the face of this obvious assault on their rights. And Johnson could not have stopped it.
Had Rosa Parks applied this type of protest, we would never have known her. The Democrats' collective imagination and ingenuity when it comes to protest is woefully inadequate.
Every single fucking time there’s a moment that calls for action the Democrats manage to truly fuck it up. A handful of ping pong paddles. Really? That’s the best they could come up with? It’s baffling how weak, unaware, and disorganized these idiots are.
We shall fight seated in our chairs, we shall fight with text donation requests, we shall fight in the email blasts and with handwringing; we shall never surrender!
They look beaten 😳
It must be awful for them.
My heart goes out to you all.
He's winning by creating division ... if we let him.
One planet. One people. ❤️
And the DNC is complaining that the flow of donations for Dems doesn't exist now.
The Dems have to fight harder & get results before we send money to them.
Little signs don't cut it. It was a joke. Not a good look at all.
everyone can express themselves in a way they think they are able to …. an amazing thing called free speech. I get really sick of hearing folks who want protests to be their way only…. how is that supporting the constitution any differently than Trump is?
Before 2017, such a display by members of the minority party would be unheard-of. I'm not sure what you expect them to do- howl like an ape like MTG? Rush the podium and thrash Trump with their canes and walkers?
Greene and Boebert can heckle Biden all they want, but Democrats wouldn't DREAM of interrupting Trump while he's smearing Biden. They can contemplate how politely they ceded their power in the concentration camp, I guess.
How can they be in this much disarray? Are they being threatened? I know Republicans are legitimately terrified of MAGA or maybe even Russia violence but come on AOC and Jasmine Crockett cannot do it alone!
I heard that in the fascist resistance playbook, that coordinating outfits is a key strategy in reversing the fascist regime and holds their feet to the fire 🙄
I support the ones that left the chamber or didn't show up. I support Al Green who got escorted out. Anyone who sat through it and just attended is a joke.
What better than to wear pink to the "address". What a statement! So brave! (Sarcasm)
Compared to the 8? People who walked out and stood by their morals. I miss Katie Porter
I would have preferred the democrats not show up and take the night in smaller groups to brainstorm ways to improve their branding so the poor people they're trying to help will get the message.
Democrats did unfortunately look anemic in the face of such synchronized clapping for crap. We all must get our acts together or we will be a full on fascist state in 6 months.
Dude. What the fuck would you have done? There were Resist people getting thrown own, loud jeers, the signs, wearing pink, and Al Greene doing his thing.
Bad take Jack. They were being baited and did performative protest perfectly.
Yeah that was really very weak. Who’s calling the shots in the DNC? Bring a squirt gun to a 5 alarm fire? It’s shameful. I don’t want to take it out on them because the GOP is the one tearing things down but my god. At some point you have to get out of your own way.
I think they should have done more to be disruptive, speak out, stand up, even if it means you get tossed out. We want want to see more fight, this was a good chance to do it and they did not deliver at all. It started off good but nobody else followed.
I did not even notice. I listened but didn’t look at the tv until I was about to throw up when I turned off tv. It was unbearable to watch or listen to! The voice grated on the skin like sandpaper, painfully cringy!!
What gets me is these useless seat fillers actually got together for once and this is what they came up with? When I tell them they get nothing from me until they work as a unified front against rump I was not talking about coordinating their damned OUTFITS.
There is no Dem leadership. They're naively playing a waiting game, planning to win the midterm elections. What they don't realize is there may be no future elections.
The US midterm elections are a pipe dream. The reason these people are getting rid of generals, law-enforcement leaders, attorney generals is because fascists and  autocrats never leave power peacefully. We better wake up and fucking fast because all indications points to this.
Exactly! Between trying to privatize the USPS, the SAVE Act and Musk tweaking around in our systems, even if we have elections, they will probably go the way of the Republicans. They need to wake the hell up!
I feel like there’s a little bit of pile on this morning. The Dems were probably thinking about the Swing voters, maybe they were trying to reach the people in the back who aren’t up to speed.
But, I agree, that it’s time to restrategize and rebrand as an opposition party.
me too. think i'll go out & celebrate the strength & courage of my party. literally feel like trudeau's speech spoke more to uniting the american people then our own politicians. it's literally humiliating, ping pong paddles... that'll teach 'em!
They will fight on the land with fundraising texts, they will fight in the air with fundraising emails, they will never surrender until they have gotten more fundraising money!
Funny you should mention it - I received a fundraising email from Hakeem at 11:14 last night. My response was no money until he and Chuck give way to Jasmine and other leaders.
And they keep asking me for money to fund campaigns. I keep telling them when they start pushing to overturn citizens united. If we even get to vote again.
I voted . And they do have the power and money to legally argue that because of citizens united there has been a weakening of our Democracy and the average voter is suffering not the corporate entity's. And maybe stack the fucking supreme court beforehand.
They skipped the SOTU, walked out, got kicked out, held town halls, held live social media sessions and press conferences. What exactly do you want? So fucking tired of you do something assholes. Why don’t you do something instead of bitch online?
Not attend. Walk out right behind Not sit there while the rethuglicans sang Na, na, na, hey, hey, hey, good bye. Stand up for themselves and the country. They are spineless cowards.
I’m with you on not attend at all. my view is that they would be better served spending the 90 minutes talking to their constituents. But going or not, walking out or not, waving signs or not, isn’t republic saving activity.
Hold townhalls starting Mar 13, when they’re in district, and ask constituents to invite republican neighbors who are starting to recognize the truth. Rethuglicans were told not to hold townhalls now that they are being booed by their voters.
This to me is our only way out. I’d rather see a blanket effort at old fashioned organizing than getting thrown out of a Trump rally for likes from the faithful.
I agree they should be doing town halls constantly and leveraging every vote. But I’m seeing dems talking shit every time I turn on the news. Same message we’ve heard for a decade. Id Rather see effective work that results in election wins so I’m curious to see what those most dissatisfied think.
Again (& again & again) -- they should ALL have walked out, or not even have attended to begin with -- which WOULD have made a very strong VISUAL statement .... that COULD have gladdened the WORLD.
I'm in Scotland, was wondering if there was clear signs of resistance from reps who aren't in T*ump party.
The new regime is destroying your country at such a fast pace (and doing its best to fuck as much of the world it can in the process).
Democrat strategist Hilary Gosen interviewed on Sky UK news today said they would have to sit it out, that Trump is very popular right now, that we will see how the economy goes 😳🤐
The Dems who didn't walk out in solidarity with 77 year old Al Green are cowards and useless as is disgustingly weak
What a missed opportunity!
What stupid, cowardly "Good Germans" they are now.
Okay, am I the only 1 who thinks they might have worn pink 2 replicate trump’s 1st term Pink Pussy Hat protest marches? I wish they had chosen blue & yellow or worn sunflower corsages, but 1 thing I really wish was, instead of bidding paddles, they should have chosen BANNERS. Big, big, big banners.
Jack what do you think the Democrats should do? I have always respected your opinions. What would you like to see them do? I believe it will take the citizens getting in the streets in numbers and the citizens will end up leading the politicians.
What should they do? Rep. Green was escorted out for standing up and shouting out.(MTG continuously disrespected President Biden with crickets the R leadership, so Johnson was just being a tool).The signs were a quiet form of protest, and they could continue to call him out. Needed more unity on it.
I get numerous texts every day from Democrats begging for money. After the way they abandoned this country after the election, and the way they're behaving now, they can shove their money-begging up their asses.
Democrat billionaires are not helping us. Jasmine Crocket and AOC are not going to take the country back from Elon. We’re hopelessly losing the war without massive funding and realizing that AOC is not our savior. Wake the fuck up America.
Disappointing….bringing a butter knife to a sword fight. Try playing their game…fuck protocol and norms. Find some tech guy to drain their bank accounts, lock them out of all government agencies, get your faces on every news station daily calling this shit out!
Enough!!! Let's close ranks. Whatever they did it is 100 times more honorable than what they confronted. To save ourselves, we MUST stick together and support them. Let's send our representatives sone LOVE!!!
They did more than that - but somewhere in that room was a handful of GOP reps who know damn well that they’re caving to extortion. They DO have the power to join Democrats to put a stop to this Putin-backed hostile takeover. Let’s throw All our rocks in THEIR direction for a change. Please!! I beg!
Why are the Democrats still playing by the rules, when there are no laws any longer? We are not going to have a say in our governance again until we start fighting like the republicans fight. Dems in Congress--get your shit together!!! We are counting on you!
I believe in unity and in giving people a chance. I also believe in calling out incompetence. Dems have incompetent leaders. Their inability to organize protests at GOP senators/reps offices, their inability to deal with Musk, a stupid SOTU sign tactic, etc.
I agree those symbols are not as important today. Nobody cares about the size of your hoops when the nation is burning and the arsonist is at the front of the room blaming us for making him burn it down
Enough with the performative high school spirit week bullshit! Also, they didn’t even coordinate. They couldn’t even agree on a goddamn color. If they were going to be performative they should have all been in Light blue and Yellow in solidarity with Ukraine.
I’m of the firm opinion that these criminals will ignore all performative things like impeachment and ignore all court orders.
If the apparatus of government is dismantled there is no returning from that.
What’s needed to stop the total collapse of the US is the immediate arrest of the ringleaders.
I wonder how many in this thread didn’t vote or voted 3rd party. There at a F’g speech, like what did you expect them to do. If they had of walked out with Al Green y’all would have complained about that.
Yes, l am satisfied with that. I’m also satisfied that not one Dem stoop up or applauded when Reps did. Some walked out, some wore T-shirts w/resist on them. It was a damn speech so there’s not much they could do without being censored later. You progressive can’t be satisfied 😐.
Y’all still would have complained. “They didn’t walk out fast enough “, They should have walked out sooner, l didn’t like their speeches”. I blame the Republicans for this shit show. They know that Trump & Elon are cruel and dishonest.
It's like democrats are the mayor in Red Dawn. Half the town is captive or under soviet control, and he still thinks he can use diplomacy.
Get a clue the entire administration is serving russia. Treat them like the traitors they are. Gloves off. Hit below the belt.
The majority of these democrats are frail. It’s no wonder this shit show has been so easy for them. The Republicans can’t even believe it’s been this easy.
From what I continue to see, it will be a century before evolution can have a positive effect on Democrats to grow them all new spines and maybe if lucky enough, some courage too. All I saw were criminals and cowards.
Seeing this bold demonstration inspires me... look for better representation than this.
Here’s how they want it done.
We shall fight seated in our chairs, we shall fight with text donation requests, we shall fight in the email blasts and with handwringing; we shall never surrender!
It must be awful for them.
My heart goes out to you all.
He's winning by creating division ... if we let him.
One planet. One people. ❤️
The Dems have to fight harder & get results before we send money to them.
Little signs don't cut it. It was a joke. Not a good look at all.
He is a felon and has been declared so in a court of law, so why not state it?!
= Thanks for your (totally ineffective) 'leadership,' 'Juiceless' Jeffries.
Stand the hell up and shout!
It’s no time to be mealymouthed!
He’s a traitor and convicted felon handing America to Putin, dammit! 😡🤬🔥🔥
Steve Schmidt (dead on!)
So, our best line of resistance is to resemble a Christie's Auction?
Are you not embarrassed yet?
We need new messaging and new leadership.
Compared to the 8? People who walked out and stood by their morals. I miss Katie Porter
by someone that has a spine
They can wear whatever the fuck they want
Contact GOP if ya got an issue with how shit is going
Bad take Jack. They were being baited and did performative protest perfectly. We need a unified MESSAGE against DonOld🙄
We all know what that SOTU was referencing: fascist grandstanding and mob threats
Performative bullshit doesnt change a fukn thing
The public decided it was interested in the misogynist racist dictator so they’re getting what they voted for
Yer the public. Get YOUR azz out there & DO SOMETHING
Here they are telling us to take to the streets(doing it)and they aren’t doing a damn thing!!
But, I agree, that it’s time to restrategize and rebrand as an opposition party.
That is exactly the message they are sending to their voters.
If they want MASS VOTER APATHY in 2026, this is the perfect way to do it!
H Bush 92
Dole 96
W Bush 2000
Kerry 2004
Obama 2008
Obama 2012
HRC 2016
Biden 2020
Harris 2024
Why do you ask?
Again (& again & again) -- they should ALL have walked out, or not even have attended to begin with -- which WOULD have made a very strong VISUAL statement .... that COULD have gladdened the WORLD.
No "translation" needed.
= Woulda, coulda, shoulda --but didna.
= SHAME on you. 🐔👎
The new regime is destroying your country at such a fast pace (and doing its best to fuck as much of the world it can in the process).
Jack, we need to go!
Let them go down Titanic-style without us.
*Tornado destroys school
PTA- we should discuss having a bake sale
What a missed opportunity!
What stupid, cowardly "Good Germans" they are now.
They’re wearing pink now!
We’re on our way to taking down tyranny now fellas
What exactly, we're not yet sure.
Where is the defense of the constitution?
Where are Congressional Democrats?
Dems have no idea how to fight fascists
Headlines today should read "Democrats bring pink dresses and ping-pong paddles to rugby match. Get their asses kicked".
We need reps flippin over tables and gettin hauled off to jail for protesting but instead we get Dems being nice
Workin off a playbook from 20 years ago.
Signs aren’t brave or serious
And the cardboard paddles!! FFS
If the apparatus of government is dismantled there is no returning from that.
What’s needed to stop the total collapse of the US is the immediate arrest of the ringleaders.
I’m sure they will start reinstating government funds and rehiring after that stark warning from Schumer.
FYI I've given the current leaders of the country the following name Cuntman V. Presk (a mix of Trump, Putin, Vance, and Musk). 🤣
Get a clue the entire administration is serving russia. Treat them like the traitors they are. Gloves off. Hit below the belt.