And they gaslight us into thinking we are overreacting and hysterical, that we have Trump Derangement Syndrome, etc. Never mind sleepwalking into fascism, we are running toward it with eyes wide open and arms ready for the full embrace.
It's called mind F**k**G! Where they try to convince you you didn't see what you saw, hear what you heard. Convince you up is down, wrong is right, Black is white! Abusers use it and so have every tyrannical government.
I now preface my warnings to under informed millennial relatives with "You probably won't hear this on Joe Rogan or Jimmy Dore, but..."They're actually starting to listen now that stuff I predicted b4 the election is happening & directly impacting their jobs. They're in the FO phase.
I spoke with my brother the other day, who isolates himself from news to protect his sanity. He was asking ?s, I was answering factually, no opinions. He says it sounds too crazy, can’t be real. He was dumbstruck.
Just covered the reality of what ICE is doing today and yeah, if I had read the stuff I posted back when I wasn't paying attention to politics I would have thought I was crazy. My only hope is that people have just enough curiosity to READ.
their plans do matter... what matters is we stand in our fear ... against them and their plans, what every may come: Free read
No one read it. No one cared. Everyone was okay with Trump lying about it, since he lied about everything else, why wouldn't a convicted rapist, pedophile, and sex trafficker friend be held accountable?
The red flags have been here, since before 2024, before 2020, before even 2016, and NO ONE TOOK ANYTHING SERIOUSLY, so now the Nazis have seized power, and no ones ready to fight until THE NAZIS SHOW UP AT THEIR DOOR STEP WITH GUNS DRAWN.
fuck 🇺🇸, fuck this 🌎, fuck all y'all who let it get this far
I blame everyone on social media, everyone who's been a part of these broken systems, who's seen the damage, the depression, the utter destruction of socio-economic norms, and yet everyone had to profit from it in some way, or else their voices were drowned out by the AI algorithms and political BS
This is so true. The people who voted for them would listen to you and grin like you're completely out of your mind and you would die inside as you realize you're fucking doomed.
I couldn't agree more. As an example, it came as a surprise to G7 allies when our Foreign Affairs Minister had to explain to them that the felonious wannabe king with dementia is serious about making Canada the 51st State.
I am sure he is going to be MORE dimented about Zielinski being invited to the G7 by Prime Minister Marc Carney in Alberta this summer.
That's gonna sting. 😆
What disturbs me is the accuracy with which my intuitions about the next Trump regime horror will be are coming true. In order to anticipate their moves you have to switch off your human empathy and decency and that is a disconcerting feeling that requires focus to come back from.
I think that’s intentional. Right wing media have always painted us as the unhinged ones. So now, when we start talking about what they’re doing, it always backfires because “we are the unhinged ones.” Their ridiculous plans make us sound even more ridiculous. Their voters will never believe us.
The time is now to start building some bridges to republicans. It’s only the courts and republicans that can save us. The courts take TIME and lots of it. There must be a few republicans who are alarmed.
I’m having trouble with approaching my adult children and convincing them to start preparing for really rough times ahead.
They placate me when I am trying to broach the subject of trump bringing this country to its knees.
I just want them to be prepared for whatever is coming down the pike.
You are so right. My husband is in denial, will read almost no news because it upsets him (bad heart) and when I point out the steady drip of melting democracy he says I’ve become a conspiracy theorist. We had an argument: facts/truth is NOT conspiracy!
Madness. Elon,Thiel et al. to develop city states with no laws or regulations. Looking for federal land to buy and install tech owners as overlords, called , wait for it, “Freedom Cities”. Madness.
I agree, but a mistake to underestimate their feudal visions and making it a reality. In Solana CA , 60k acres purchased for a walled in residential city for the rich. On hold for an EIR , but it will move forward.
Oh, I have no delusions about their danger. I’m just pointing out that their unlimited wealth buys them power to execute their stupid ideas, and nobody can tell them any different.
In Syria, Assad took people who opposed him off the street and disappeared them in the bowels of prisons, similar to where these people were sent in El Salvador.
Absolutely, I'm still on Facebook and my friend page. I regularly share commentary with links to things that are happening. When I read my words, I think perhaps these words can't be coming from me in America, but they are because it's happening here.
The result of the right spending years accusing the left of what they, themselves, intended to do, preemptively delegitimizing anyone who would call them out when they set their plans in motion.
Exactly this. I haven’t been able to put into words that this is how I’ve felt for years now. It’s so scary that they’ve been planning all of this for so long. Like decades.
It sounds like a joke but this is a fact I uncovered last week. We sound like we are unhinged. What I would like to understand is why the other folks think it is typical to export human beings to an inhumane prison w/o due process. Can we be assured every one of those deported is a gang member?
I really believe that is why they zeroed in on the least educated people for their base. Their stupidity allows the facist takeover without objection or knowledge.
I don't believe all we're bamboozled. A few maybe.But most are as morally depraved as this FASCIST UNAMERICAN ANTIDEMOCRACY fascist administration. We've been betrayed by fake Americans. Stabbed in the back!
Only to the fools who haven't Bern paying attention or are in denial or are working with these fascist. It's time we do more than talk protest. We need to look at history see what historical lyrics people did to fight tyranny.
Which is why many people tune out. It’s amazing to watch. Sometimes it’s like a veil that envelops them. Other times it’s like a solid door slamming shut. The listening & info processing stops. Truth is right in front of them & they pretend nothing’s there, all is well, Trump’s their guy. CULT.
They're removing everyone. The Hispanics and Latino fools that voted for these fascist pigs will eventually be deported too. Then whose next? Lbtqia, Muslims, non Christians, seniors, mentally ill, disabled,more attacks on women. Non violence may no longer apply
Musk, Thiel, and their network dismantling democratic institutions.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Good question. Splintering and any resulting power vacuum would bring other risks as well. You best believe in both Russia and China there are rooms of people keeping up to the moment assessments of our governments stability and vulnerability
This is how my Trump voting spouse sees me. I have said this was coming . FOX told HIM it wasn’t. Even as our retirement accounts plunge he still sees me as Chicken Little. We rarely speak these days though. Small blessings.
So true. One has to keep notes to explain how we are where we are. My professor has a highly educated mother who can’t understand a lot of it. What chance do the others have?
I tried to describe the Yarvin thing to someone and realized while speaking that I sound completely insane on the level of my MAGA FIL who is a full-on QAnon “liberal deep state cabal is secretly building left-wing lunatic cities” guy. SIGH.
We are about to be swallowed whole. We must have more creative thinking, and something more then a strongly worded letter. I for one would love to hear your point of view, and is it a done deal. Are there records of the conversation between Trump and Schumer? What type of threat did he use?
Right? Like I’m afraid to fly as a single middle aged women from CA.. precisely bc I’m from CA and a women.. and I’m not sure if that is unhinges or not.. I’m not sure and no one else seems to be either.. it’s all unhinged and I don’t know where it stops…
Watching them push these ridiculous agendas step by step is almost like watching a political experiment at the expense of the future of ordinary people.
Ok—that is what they want. Chaos. And what we/dems/reasonable people NEED TO DO is be purposeful, organized, and reasonable. None of which the Dem party are right now. TIME TO STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT LOUDLY. The people in the streets are!! FUCKING DO YOUR JOB!!
This, I believe, is why so many Americans have waved off so much of what 🍊 says as hyperbole, exaggeration, or 'he doesn't mean it' stream-of-consciousness vocalizing.
Never thought I’d listen to what Steve Bannon has to say, but be aware of what seems to be coming. Technofeudalism.
(You might have to listen with your eyes closed)
I know. 🫣 Whenever I say it out loud, I think I sound bat-shit crazy, because what they are doing is just unfathomable! But there it is. Happening real-time in 4-D!
This is beginning now and will escalate if we don't rise up in enormous numbers.
True, it's pretty obvious to me that this administration is planning to kill off a lot of us. Any way they can. Call me crazy, but that's my prediction.
Start organizing NOW. We know where this is headed. We might as well accept the fact that we need to use force to remove Trump from office. Hyperbole? Save this post for the next 6 months.
Which is exactly why so many people refused to believe us before the election. Lack of imagination, and even more, ignorance of history’s overall spiraling 🌀 pattern. This was completely predictable, and so was the widespread disbelief. Hopefully the People rising up also continues in this cycle.
Is there a cogent (and brief, but clear) analysis of the Project 2025 playbook? Other than complete domination of the nation by so-called conservatives who desire to return the country to the 1930s (or maybe the 1850s) what is the benefit to everyday Americans? Certainly *not* serfdom.
It’s gotten to the point that 90% of the people I talk to each day don’t have a freaking clue about what’s happening. Their propaganda and the lack of media coverage seems to be working.
As do I believe in the promise of the USA. Unfortunately there are many(know some personally) who are happy, and are reveling in fellow humans suffering. We all are dealing differently. Much love! 💙
I talk to people every day that say "oh, I don't watch the news, or read a newspaper. Too much bad news". People who I thought would know better. It's cowardice.
I'm in a rural area, it IS a ghost town without Hispanic people. Bush did the same in 2001 and it devastated businesses in town. He had to change his mind the following year since he set off the humble beginnings of a recession that he hoped 2 wars would bail him out of.
GW did less damage to our nation - not less detrimental to the individuals involved.
f47 & his masters have declared him above the law, even federal law.
Check out my latest post about the judge, they CAN arrest guys like Stephen Miller or whoever is signing their name to these orders. Watch what happens when they get trotted off to jail, these pussies need others (J6ers) to do their dirty work AND they are dumb and arrogant, it will be a wild ride!
You are correct. The MAGA refuse to even contemplate that they messed up. One shared propaganda this week on FB and her note was “Wake up Dems”. How incredibly ignorant. A lot of my Dem family and friends refuse any political news because they feel they can’t do anything to stop this anyway.
Recently I was chatting with a former neighbor who lives in FL now. He WAS a Jewish leftie when he was in CA, but when he started spewing Qanon talking points about Fauci I hung up on him. I have long covid so STFU man. 😑
I'm really feeling very lib Alex Jones MAGA-ish with my "government is tracking you, they're taking away your freedoms, you'll be required to say Merry Christmas" thoughts lately.
It is the ideology of Curtis Yarvin. Many forces lined up to collect the spoils when the USA is smashed to bits. Election in May in Cameron County Texas to give Musk sovereignty over space x city.
Fascism feeds on fear.
Starve the bastards!
Get loud!
Be proud!
Alone, each of us is but a drop of water.
Together, we are a flood!
The GOP sneered and laughed when we said he’d cut SS, Medicaid and gut America … he’d take away human rights and come after abortion rights. What do you????
To fight facism without a war requires unconventional politics and fighting.
We aren’t there yet …We are sheep among wolves rn.
I have never before been accused of wearing a tin foil hat until this past election.
I’m now finding it interesting that we still refer to is as a tin foil hat and not an aluminum hat…I always thought that was a geographical thing, but I guess not
It’s part of their strategy. The plain sight strategy. If you actually describe the things they’re actually doing right this moment you sound like a conspiracy theorist when you’re actually just reading a firsthand account of an actual event. A sane person hates sounding that way.
They are working on total Global domination. Canada=all the freshwater - ST. Lawrence seaway and the PNW. Greenland- arctic waterways. Panama- also waterways. Everyone will have to bow and pay. That is the plan. No sovereign borders respected where resources are realized. Yup. Me crazy too.
Also- today (?) Hegseth was saying - "Freedom of Navigation is basic- it is a core national interest." they do not care about civil war in Somalia. The campaign against the Houthis will be unrelenting until they stop acting aggressively against US ships in the region. The region is the Red Sea.
Trump has Musk busy punching holes in the government, thinking the very rich will grab the financial opportunities and fill in those holes. He thinks the private sector can provide everything he's eliminating.
The US's ability to function is failing and our enemies will exploit those gaps.
There's gonna be violence. Traitor47 will start it and that opens the doors. It's just a matter of time.Theyre arrogantly stupid this FASCIST administration.
Maybe Project 2025 idea is that *we don't* beat it and only the richest stay at the top and the rest of us are simply demoralized in every way, unable to do more than pay for the basics. (The disdain Proj2025 author Russell Vought (OMB director) has for govt workers is *disgusting*)Never give up!
Demoralized and fearful. The plan to keep people fearful so they'll just keep their little part of the capitalist wheel turning and think they are living their life quietly.
Yes! FEAR about *everything, even our own citizenship in question. Quite the chilling effect. Now Discount Goebbels is speaking out questioning validity of federal court orders vs presidential actions. Will SCOTUS cave the way Congress has? Will the divided US have a king?
Those plans were concocted by The Heritage Foundation and they are thrilled with the results despite Musk's horrifying implementation. Beyond their wildest dreams...
Will over half the country be locked up in an Institution? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
5 MN GOP Senators drafted a bill to make “Trump Derangement Syndrome” an official Mental Illness under state statutes.
“General Hysteria”, which manifests as intense hostility towards POTUS and his supporters, is the main symptom.
So when u let evil win, why pray that the Democrats will b there 2 block the MAGA/Republican smashing blows 2 your head??!!
Why pray 4 the Democrats 2 restrain & civilize a chainsaw wielding South African born Elon Musk??
Maybe the corrupted Supreme Court? Nope.
You grab some power! Vote.
It’s a human problem. We really struggle to accept that change of this magnitude is possible in our own lifetime. All my family and a lot of my friends think I’m nuts. Even when massive things happen to confirm what I’ve been saying they just say ‘oh, wow, but that doesn’t mean the rest will happen’
That IS the part that I'm having trouble explaining. Now, I have to preface every conversation with: I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory.
In my whole 66 years, I have never believed ANY conspiracy theory. But NOW, it's one giant conspiracy theory from hell.
And getting the response of 'Oh, they won't do that! They are just messing around!' even more maddening.
Who knew it would be this easy for fascists to takeover America.
The exact same mindset of the confederate south. Apathy is right-💭americans had little interest in truly dealing w/its HATE. Racism was able to thrive& it was/is the card/tool used to take this country to its end. It is simple, EQUALITY would’ve kept this country from imploding. ALL else- An EXCUSE!
In the 1950 we were warned of Russian sleeper agents. Americans loyal to Russia. Who lived amongst us & waited to act. That time was 1980s ! They and the FASCIST united and worked through the decades. That's how it happened. They're in every branch of government from local to national.
I've been trying to beat the drum of more popular/regular/normal stances and leading into the crazier details.
"Hey virtually every American believes we shouldn't have a king" - point out all the ways he acts like a king
"Hey isn't it crazy that like a handful of billionaires control like all the money in the country?"
Point out who's going to get richer and who's going to get ripped off with every policy announcement. Even the most odious ones, "oh a private prison? wonder who's getting rich off that."
That's why when we complained to CNN and the legacy media, what we saw coming and why weren't they covering it better, they thought we were unhinged. Jim Acosta quit because he tried doing better than enablers wanted, and they punished him for it.
Yup… all the MSM are enablers… none of them know how to actually provide factual and neutral news. All this he may have BS makes me go nuts. Stop analyzing and misrepresenting everything the clown does and provide the truth alongside cold, hard facts. That what news should be and not this nonsense
It really is. It’s so frightening to see the lack of urgency and the complacency that surrounds me here in Nazi 2.0 Texas. The look of incredulity that I see on the faces of those around me as I try to discuss the situation with them. The failure to believe what is happening is crippling
The Press and the Republican party, along with Schumer and his Traitors... are THE REASON why Trump is allowed to laugh at Judges rulings, and ignore the Rule of Law. It won't be long before good people get fed TF UP dealing with Liar's, Nazi's and Thieves.
Sooooo Many! I live in a very red state! MAGAS all around me with these big ass grins on their faces still talking about owning the Libs! It's NUCKING FUTS!!
You tried. We tried. Not enough people listened or believed this would happen. Now we're in Alice in Wonderland world with a dictator. That is unhinged.
Ultimately it will devolve into chaos and inner rivalries on its own, because a system fundamentally based on selfishness and bullshit is unsustainable. But who has time to wait for that?
Jack, I know how bleak this looks. But we have to brave heroes running a race in Florida to help flip the house. Can you please help direct resources and attention to them? and . We must have their backs.
No one read it. No one cared. Everyone was okay with Trump lying about it, since he lied about everything else, why wouldn't a convicted rapist, pedophile, and sex trafficker friend be held accountable?
fuck 🇺🇸, fuck this 🌎, fuck all y'all who let it get this far
The politicians, the judges, the criminals in charge who all had their hands into their cookie jars
The Revolution may not be televised, but it's gonna end all this
That's gonna sting. 😆
But it will still sting. 😂
They placate me when I am trying to broach the subject of trump bringing this country to its knees.
I just want them to be prepared for whatever is coming down the pike.
They surround themselves with yes-men, and nobody explains to them how they’re mistaken, or how their arguments are flawed.
“Okay but they’re already doing it…”
“Uh well uh now that I think of it, it’s GOOD that they’re doing it, actually!”
I find myself saying things and thinking things I never thought I would ever say or think
He’s breaking the law.
Arrest him.
The problem they are starting to run into is that most of their end goals are internally incompatible on a fundamental level.
They will start eating each other soon.
That doesn't include all of Donald's plans. But again, he said most of those out loud too.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
It's now a worldwide crisis with millions of people appalled by the Trump regime as they dismantle democracy in plain sight.
Urgent action is needed to overthrow the enemy within
Raskin urges public submit FOIA request to DOGE. Links to form/template letter, mailing address here:
Ben Wikler on People V Musk to combat Elon:
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your hearts it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
Step out of line, the men come and take you away
We in Europe do NOT want to buy weapons from you, as Trump just proved he'd use them for blackmail.
Does Trump understand around 200 billion less to feed US GDP annually?
(You might have to listen with your eyes closed)
go us. 😭
Have a little light read and see how well it fits the situation
f47 & his masters have declared him above the law, even federal law.
It's in plain sight. Americans elected him twice. Make one worried about more than just Turnip.
Starve the bastards!
Get loud!
Be proud!
Alone, each of us is but a drop of water.
Together, we are a flood!
Post from Mike Flynn
To fight facism without a war requires unconventional politics and fighting.
We aren’t there yet …We are sheep among wolves rn.
I’m now finding it interesting that we still refer to is as a tin foil hat and not an aluminum hat…I always thought that was a geographical thing, but I guess not
The US's ability to function is failing and our enemies will exploit those gaps.
5 MN GOP Senators drafted a bill to make “Trump Derangement Syndrome” an official Mental Illness under state statutes.
“General Hysteria”, which manifests as intense hostility towards POTUS and his supporters, is the main symptom.
Democracy & the Constitution are nothing without the people. They are a big zero with no meaning.
Stayed home during the last presidential election??
You won't be happy until you see grandma & all her possessions on the street corner one day.
Stayed home? Evil won.
Why pray 4 the Democrats 2 restrain & civilize a chainsaw wielding South African born Elon Musk??
Maybe the corrupted Supreme Court? Nope.
You grab some power! Vote.
In my whole 66 years, I have never believed ANY conspiracy theory. But NOW, it's one giant conspiracy theory from hell.
Who knew it would be this easy for fascists to takeover America.
And…..what is the tool that brought us here, to this fascist point… could have all been avoided, but…..No
The thought of just understanding, knowing and saying It was Racism - seems still uncomfortable in the face of assured death to all!
"Hey virtually every American believes we shouldn't have a king" - point out all the ways he acts like a king
Point out who's going to get richer and who's going to get ripped off with every policy announcement. Even the most odious ones, "oh a private prison? wonder who's getting rich off that."
so many americans: "oh i don't think he'll do that. He actually *can't* do that."
And reader? He does it every time.
and the process repeats endlessly