Happy launch day, Yu-Gi-Oh! fans -- we're thrilled to have helped make the Early Days Collection happen! It's available now on Nintendo Switch and Steam.
Steam: http://bit.ly/41zyRum
Nintendo Switch: http://bit.ly/3Plo3c1
Steam: http://bit.ly/41zyRum
Nintendo Switch: http://bit.ly/3Plo3c1
would love to see updates or a second collection but who can complain with 14 Yu-Gi-Oh! games including some localized for the first time!
Thank you. I won’t be able to get my copy until March 1st but I can’t wait I love Yu-gi-oh! I hope we get a second collection with Yu-gi-oh! forbidden memories and yu-gi-oh! Duelist of the roses and Yu-gi-oh! Capsule monsters ps2.
I do wish Expert 1 and 2 had their own localizer versions (even though they have modified English counterparts), but maybe that was out of scope.