Hey Georgians- are you frustrated with high Georgia Power bills? How about data centers- love ‘em?
If your schedule allows please join me tomorrow (Thursday Feb. 20 4 PM) at a hearing on Senate bill 34 requiring data centers to pay the actual cost of energy to serve their needs.
If your schedule allows please join me tomorrow (Thursday Feb. 20 4 PM) at a hearing on Senate bill 34 requiring data centers to pay the actual cost of energy to serve their needs.
If you didn’t know that residential and small business owners pay the majority of costs related to serving large load customers which is the category data centers falls in, read this essay written
If this bill goes down tomorrow our electric bills will go up substantially. Show up at the Georgia State Capitol room #450 Thursday February 20 at 3 PM where the Senate Regulated Utilities Committee will hear testimonies for and against this bill.
Ga Power rates have gone up almost twice the rate of inflation in the past 15 years - basically since the Consumer Utility Counsel was defunded by the legislature, which is also a bill this year.