Ok mind blown - Right as I was scrolling through blue sky and randomly reading your post, wondering why you don’t look like the actor, my wife reads to me from Reddit that the actor, Pete Davidson, cancelled his show. Force works in mysterious ways.
I love my pieces of Star Wars. I love the original 6 movies. I love The Mandalorian. And I love the video games: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, Republic Commando, old Pod Racer game, and Battlefront 1 and 2. Honestly banger video games for a movie franchise.
Star Wars is fascinating because they're kind of fucked either way. Casual audiences don't really care much about the extended universe shit. But when they actually do the Vader/Skywalker/Lightsaber stuff, the diehard fans lose their shit if it falls outside what they deem lore-acceptable.
-Lucasfilm reveals a 7/10 show that is entertaining but forgettable
-fans act as if the cast personally drowned their children
-Lucasfilm panics and cancels two other works in progress
This isn’t just a Star Wars thing for what it’s worth. I see it with the constant (and in my opinion overwrought and nauseating) attacks on the Marvel films too.
Films can be celebrated as “art” and achievements for sure but there’s also something to be said for the ability to just entertain us.
Been a fan since I was 4 years old watching the opening crawl back in ‘77. My mantra: The only thing worse than bad Star Wars is no Star Wars. It’s made for kids. If one can’t sit back and let their inner child enjoy the show, I’d suggest that they find another fandom.
I love Star Wars, but nowhere near as much as some of my friends do. The lore geeks I can handle, the ones griping about how the new stuff is "ruining the franchise" can go taunt a Sarlacc.
I won't tell people I'm a star wars fan anymore because if there's even the slightest chance they mistake me for one of those "black people is ruining muh star wars" types it wouldn't be worth it
Fans are nothing new obv. But the net is a force multiplier for what has historically been fringe elements of society. Rabid fanatics of all kinds. As someone who was born before A New Hope and grew up with SW it is sad. We used to just love the stories. There didn't need to be a lore reason for
every single thing. Hollywood I think has really gotten away from telling great stories and instead has tried to serve fans who they can never make happy. A Faustian bargain to be sure.
The entire show is written with guidance from NASCAR. It will center around a pod racing league that travels to different planets and the characters will be based on the lives of NASCAR drivers, their crews and fans.
No space wizards.
No canon requirement.
Star Wars fans behave the same way as beatles fans, elvis fans, and joy division fans. If you don't like the same things they do, they attack you, insult you, question your intelligence and mental health.
Why do they so emotional and violent about entertainment?
My parents love the original trilogy. That love wasn't passed down to me. I'm actually kinda thankful for this, considering how insufferable the hardcore fanatics are...
There's a line to be drawn between people going "Star Wars is great because it feels like it actually happened!" and people debating Luke Skywalker's moral fiber like he's a real person
Oh for sure. The toxicity of fandom is a real problem on the internet I think. I don’t even mind obsessive fans, I’m a bit of one myself, but I’m not interested in throwing insults around just because someone has a different opinion on those things. Seems mad to me.
I couldn't agree more! I've been a die hard star wars fan since I was 3 and the fan base is so toxic for the dumbest reasons. Example: I Loved The Acolyte but get dumpstered for loving it 🙃
i miss when it was a thing that showed up once a generation with 3 films then left the stage (while some minor extended universe stuff happened in some side streets, video games books comics whatever) these days star wars just being 'on' all the time is exhausting
Right? Like I love Star Wars too, but some fans act like they’re defending the Jedi Temple in a twitter thread. Like relax Chad it’s space wizards with laser swords.
7 was good, but not great, and made me feel like the trilogy had potential. 8/9 were mediocre to bad, and the majority of the problem was corporate meddling/mismanagement.
I don't consider myself a fan now, and walked away. A lot of people are angry and should walk away, but keep raging instead.
And by “off the rails”, the conversation turns into a passive-aggressive quiz on what’s “cannon”[sic] and how many of your top 5 characters are from a novel or video game.
It’s the least imaginative people who hate Star Wars. Mfs who didn’t even get a B in English talking about “bad writing” people who watch pizza delivery boy 🌽 now think they have the chops for screenwriting 😖
I used to love Star Wars but everything surrounding it lately has killed my enthusiasm for it. You have loud, annoying manbabies who cry that everything is “woke” and then you have Disney pumping everything out so fast that each project cuts corners on quality.
I do something SW related every day. Books, games, movies, shows, toys...I love 'em all. But I'm not about to argue with internet dick-heads about a fictional universe or, like, go fist fight my mom because she likes Rey. Stories, man. They're all just stories
When they got rid of Glup Shitto, Kathleen Kennedy broke into my house and set fire to all of my personal possessions before stealing my parents. -A Star Wars Fan, 2016
Look dude. Did I need to correct Star Wars: Trivial Pursuit? They said the shuttle used for transportation by the empire was an “Imperial Shuttle”. It was called a Lambda Class shuttle. Lambda-class T-4a if you’re nasty. Some of this stuff is…Wait.
Being a Star Wars fan is EXHAUSTING. People just can’t wrap their heads around the concept that not every project is going to hit for them, and that it’s okay!
Oh course there are plot holes
-Lucasfilm reveals a 7/10 show that is entertaining but forgettable
-fans act as if the cast personally drowned their children
-Lucasfilm panics and cancels two other works in progress
Films can be celebrated as “art” and achievements for sure but there’s also something to be said for the ability to just entertain us.
I hope that it helps. 🐘🐖🐢🐫
AND nobody thought there would be anything more after episode 3 came out!
I'm with you 💯
The entire show is written with guidance from NASCAR. It will center around a pod racing league that travels to different planets and the characters will be based on the lives of NASCAR drivers, their crews and fans.
No space wizards.
No canon requirement.
Why do they so emotional and violent about entertainment?
I've already said too much.
"Spaceballs II: The Quest For More Money"
I don't consider myself a fan now, and walked away. A lot of people are angry and should walk away, but keep raging instead.
Hate Star Wars and wrestling fans.
They really are the worst.
It’s crazy how bad the fandom is. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Simple as
I watch all the behind the scenes, and it truly seems like the people working on Star Wars love the property.
It’s ok if something isn’t made directly for you. It happens
The only thing that ruins Star Wars is toxic fandom. It's just supposed to be a fun ride.
A fun ride with lightsabers and cool jumps. And lightning. Lots and lots of lightning. I might be a Sith.
“It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love, it matters only that you love.”
John Lennon
Yeah, I hear it now. You’re right. My bad.