I got one (1) word, Fuckinidiots!! I know, I got the best words! Who are these Ishkabibles? (Idiots) Every one of Trump's picks are the "Worst of the Worst of the Worst. Like men in black in bizarro world! BTW they have black soul-less eyes. Dark windows into their racist black hearts! That's them!!
Another example the deportation of that 20% group will increase construction costs as labor is reduced. That means fewer home construction projects as firms cut back; meaning fewer site and project managers, sales people, support contractors, etc. - who are often the Trump voters! Oh duh, moment?
I hope you don’t want to build, repair, or remodel your house. Between the lack of construction workers and the tariffs on the incoming building materials…no bueno!
The migrants will still do the work but from the soon to be built camps where their Labor will profit prison owners and not the country via the taxes formerly paid
Not to worry, he'll also slap a tariff so imports are also expensive.
My favorite response I've seen to the conundrum is that he should bus people in from cities and require them to pick the crops. An idea so out of Left field that it's associated with Chairman Mao.
Also, Hispanics carry most of our universal blood with 57% of latinos having it. We have been in desperate need of it for over 20 yrs. Only 6% of Americans have it, but this country is like "It's ok if OUR people die as long as my rent is paid".
Expelling large numbers of agricultural workers, especially migrant workers, does have a direct impact on food prices and supply chains.
If you reduce the workforce by 20%, food costs will inevitably increase and local labor may not be able to fill the gap. Perhaps this will increase inflation!
Food prices are too low, pay Ag gworkers a living wage no matter where they're from or what document they have or don't have.
This post is tacit approval of an inherently exploitive system.
Not a good look for a progressive voice.
White with no collage or even a high school degree. They can't connect those dots.
My favorite response I've seen to the conundrum is that he should bus people in from cities and require them to pick the crops. An idea so out of Left field that it's associated with Chairman Mao.
If you reduce the workforce by 20%, food costs will inevitably increase and local labor may not be able to fill the gap. Perhaps this will increase inflation!