Insurance companies built a machine that kills people for profit. Yesterday it killed a few dozen, as it always does, and those people also have families.
You have to be evil to your core to be the CEO of a health insurance company. All the people he’s responsible for killing by denying coverage also have families.
Yah ? So did the people his company denied coverage of. You're not the hero or the good guy here. No one is supporting murder. However, you're upset about this but not those murdered by the corruption within United Health insurance is very hypocritical
Upset not at all. Educated yes. I’ve been through this insurance BS. Watch coverage get denied for a family member. They died.
But to get on a stage and grandstand about being happy someone is murdered. Not good. Everyone has to meet their maker.
But, also how can you not be upset about those murdered by the health insurance companies? So many lives cut short, families robbed out of their loved ones, or had to see them suffer because of the system that enables cruelty. If this was anywhere else USA would declare it a war crime.
Yes, & i'm sorry for your lost. Also i don't think anyone is happy about a murder but again how many has United Health Care killed ? Did a whole series on this last year. People r fed up my friend. Also why this murder ? innocent people r murdered everyday no 1 cares
But to get on a stage and grandstand about being happy someone is murdered. Not good. Everyone has to meet their maker.