Oh a real puppy YAY
Hopefully this doesnt come off too brash, but in my head his poor little floppy ears would get tire burn from the wheels if they were that long D:
(or if you made them piped exhaust vents they would look like upright ears lol)
ears are gonna have dynamics, it was always something I felt was a missed opportunity on the previous design. appreciate the input, but I think the floppy ears are gonna stay
This is cute, but I feel like this would work better as like a costume/alt if you plan on doing that. Like I would give players the option in being able to make the truck actually look like a puppy or not
Hopefully this doesnt come off too brash, but in my head his poor little floppy ears would get tire burn from the wheels if they were that long D:
(or if you made them piped exhaust vents they would look like upright ears lol)