If you guys miss the old internet, you can join in and contribute at any time. Sign up at a static host like neocities or nekoweb. Make a shrine to some random shit you love, and other people will love it.
It doesn't have to look good, use barebones html, plenty find it endearing. It screams Human
It doesn't have to look good, use barebones html, plenty find it endearing. It screams Human
Been trying to learn how to make one website from scratch but it has proved to be quite difficult so far.
I really like retro-ish aesthetics I was kind inspired by this like 2000s retro futurism UI from like Dino Crisis and stuff like that.
I still just learning, my main experience was back in the day working on forum HTML and CSS... I still remember the change from HTML4 to 5 back then.... or was it 3 to 4 when I was a teen? I don't fully remember.
It's a fun and relaxing hobby logging your specific interests, just DO IT
The site is https://nokocchi.com / https://nokokocchi.com btw
(Also omg, I have seen your collection sites and didn't realise they were YOURS! I have it as a link on my own because they're so nicely done!)
thank you for sharing this!