This is exactly why we shouldn’t pretend fringe groups are speaking for the Dem party. Those “Dems” don’t speak for the party (and your assessment is 100% correct for anyone pretending to).
“Listen, we promised you a bunch of stuff during the 2008 campaign that we immediately forgot about once the election was over, isn’t that enough for you people???”
Democrats are not moving away from small-dollar donors.
I know this because I get requests via text and email multiple times a day.
Dems need donors of all sizes; small, medium, and large.
they mean "we won't do anything to further your interests in any way shape or form if it conflicts with the interests of goldman sachs. we will still take your money though"
Nobody hates democrats more than other democrats. Don’t get me wrong, we should always be critical, but at the same time we have to become a united front, or we’ll just keep losing.
The broad fascist push is revealing the true colours of these ivory tower "democrats." They've always sided with the rich against the poor, and now they no longer feel a need to hide their contempt for anyone not born into wealth.
They literally were promising a $15 minimum wage, closing the carried interest loophole, taxing the 1% to pay for $25k in housing assistance for first-time homebuyers, and banning private equity groups from the housing market. There’s a reason the billionaires sided with Trump.
They raised over a $1 billion and shit it all away and the lesson they learned is that they didn’t get enough money from the good billionaires?! They can’t be serious
Robert’s “money is speech” (SC decision ending limits on $ in campaigns) is BS. We all know “big dollar donations” are bribes.
Previous courts said “even the appearance of corruption” was harmful.
Accept big money, and Dems race Republicans to the bottom. Most people on both sides support a ban.
I swear to god y’all will literally group anything with Republicans. You can say that Democrats are corrupt and hypercapitalist without saying they’re the exact same as Republicans lmao. Both parties do this, but there are substantial differences, and not recognizing them is privilege.
If you can say that there is no difference between a corrupt party that wants to gut our social programs and scrap civil rights, vs a corrupt party that wants to fund social programs and protect civil rights, you clearly have not experienced the impact of those differences.
I know this is not important compared to the content of the video, but if you zipped that shirt all the way up would it just be your bun poking out the top?
I agree. That is the Republican playbook. Just an attempt to divide the working class so we do not hold them accountable for funding this Nazi party bullies and traitors to the American people.
They are actually DSA people who want to do that which may not be republicans but are certainly not legitimate Democrats. Maybe they were involved in Dem politics years ago but none of them have any influence or access anymore.
democrats have absolutely, without fail, always ignored the lessons of their many losses to delude themselves into a mindset that allows them to stay corrupt and out of touch.
I will believe they want to move away from small dollar donors as soon as I stop getting "Nancy Pelosi is IN CRISIS and ONLY YOUR $25 DONATION CAN SAVE HER!!!" emails blowing up my inbox.
Love the way these people are framed as "moderates." They're not moderates, their corporatists ... servants of the wealthy. What is so moderate about that?
If you genuinely can’t see the difference between the two parties because they’re both corrupt, I truly envy your privilege, bc the difference for me is that I’m about to be stripped of my food stamps and LIHEAP benefits.
I get that, if you see politics as just this intellectual exercise rather than lived experience, it seems easy to see no difference. But all this attitude has ever achieved is voting republicans in. Yes, you should criticize the DNC. But using that to refuse to vote blue screws others over.
If by “move away from” they mean stop spam texting people for money I’m all for it. But let’s be real the dem party should NOT move away from ANY funding sources. We need all the help we can get at this point.
Agreed. I predicted as the GOP went right over the edge, the corporate democrats would move right to fill that vacuum, and in doing so abandon young, low income, and left/socialist issues. The problem is that financial power and religion do not 🟰 science and doing the right thing, just corruption.
Yes. Dems must join the restless populist spirit and grassroots efforts, not the other way around. To chemo the billionaire cancer on our institutions, we need a big purple wave.
not really? the party that fought tooth and nail against bernie becoming their presidential candidate? of course they are not particularly interested in small dollar donors. democrats who say that are just more open about it now than they used to be
Bernie is literally not a member of the Democratic Party, yet he still ran to be the representative of the Party. Fuck yeah, I wouldn’t want him to be nominee. If he truly believed in the power of his platform, he would run as an independent. But no, he wanted the resources of the DNC.
Say that you have a job opening. Your choice is a longtime member of your company who has worked with you for decades, versus someone outside who spends their time complaining about how much your company sucks, but who nevertheless feels entitled to apply for the top job. Bernie was the latter guy.
That assumes that choosing those candidates is harmful to the company. Bernie got wiped in the Southern primaries. The highest percentage he got in both ‘16 and ‘20 in the south was 33% in Florida. The average was otherwise 15-25%.
You want to know the reason why the DNC rejects Bernie? It’s because he promises shit he KNOWS he can’t achieve. It would take an FDR ‘32 or Johnson ‘64 blue tsunami to get the Senate votes to pass Medicare for All, and he KNOWS THAT.
You take them disliking Bernie as some sort of rejection of populism and the “common man.” They wouldn’t be having AOC speak at the DNC if that were the case. I know top DNC people, and it’s genuinely that Bernie was entitled and pompous, and refuses compromise.
It's crazy they outright say that their policies don't align with individual people and that they don't want it to. 2 party system needs to die yesterday.
I live in Wa. In the past 10 years, ONE Presidential candidate has given a speech. Guess who? Yep. Bernie Sanders. Every other one has a private 25K/plate dinner in a fancy neighborhood. We get an occasional VP rally, never Pres. They don't even keep US happy.
The Clintons started it abandoning unions and turning to corporate donors. President Clinton with Repubs passed some of the most regressive labor and corporate legislation in generations... It's no wonder labor and unions have been reeling and unsure who to support since...
After Trump was elected in 2016, and the likes of the Never Trumper ex-GOP sprang up, I was pretty sure I detected writing on the wall that the Democratic Party would move itself to the right thinking they would win elections by merging with these ex-GOP. Last election seems to have made that clear.
Totally agree. Dems long ago ceded leadership to capital worshipers far to the right of the GOP mainstream of my childhood yrs. They still stand in our way.
So, what I'm hearing is that Democrats are responding to the criticism that they aren't opposing Trump hard enough by literally just becoming Republicans. I would give anything if they would just stop pushing so much further right.
Unfortunately in Mississippi, all candidates regardless of party attempt to out-conservative one another. They are then upset to lose to actual conservatives.
Incredible. This is how we lost the last election. Dems will never carve enough right wing voters away from the GOP to make a difference. There's a much larger pool of voters that can't or won't vote because they don't feel safe or represented, and they're way over there on the left.
The Dems have a hard time winning by appealing to the far left that isn't even in the Dems' base, and whose factions are eternally at war with one another, and they can't win by appealing to the far left, which sees to strongly dislike winning.
What's the actual problem being solved? "Trans people" was hardly even on the agenda for most voters. They voted mainly based on the economy (incumbents crashed the world over, on both the left & the right).
If you want a winning stance for Democrats: "Oligarchy is screwing you, & we'll fight it."
But these people's "advice" is precisely the opposite. Turn to the rich for aid, and stop standing up for things your base actually cares about. It's an utter recipe for disaster.
Let me put it another way: did Harris run as a far leftist? Just the opposite: she ran basically as a Republican.
Harris was out there talking about how much she loves fracking and guns and was a tough on crime and constantly holding up her endorsement from Dick Cheney. She wasn't out there in a Trans Lives Matter shirt and a pussy hat holding up a "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" sign.
I don't think there is anything Harris could have done to won, though everyone with an agenda will say that it's because she didn't hew to that person's ideology.
Really? The voters haven't figured that out yet, and all we need is someone to tell them about the oligarchs they fantasize about being? That's all it takes?
"Oligarchy is screwing you [and your a moron if you don't see it]" is probably not a winning approach. So -- what to do?
You *greatly* underestimate how much people hate oligarchy, and it just keeps getting worse - especially in this administration run by the US's top oligarchs, which are cutting everyone's essential services and firing everyone to give themselves tax breaks and deregulate their companies.
Bernie polled so well against Trump compared to other Dem candidates because his entire message was centred around "screw the oligarchy". Even a lot of Trump voters are massively anti-oligarchy. He got their votes by rightly diagnosing their anger at the system, despite actively screwing them over.
Point to me one time a democrat in a major election did anything with “the far left” and I will laugh at your extremely incorrect definition of “the far left” cause dog no one has ever worked with us and it has zero power or influence anywhere lmao
TBF, "far" is always relative. When you're in the center, left of dems (so ~SocDem) looks "far" left; when you're on that line yourself, "far" left looks like antifascists, anarchists, and communists -- or at least DemSoc.
Kinda like how almost no one sees themselves as "rich", even the rich.
That is very true. Most people think the Overton Window is centered over their own head. They ought to look at polls and understand who and what the U.S. electorate is.
When a lot of people are disengaged, cynical, ignorant, and influenced by influencers, and madly self-centered, then what?
I don't know what you define as "the far left," but I can't think of anyone who has won a national election, or a state election except in special cases (such as Vermont), that you might consider "the far left" since before my grandparents were born.
I voted for Elizabeth Warren in the Dem primaries in 2020. Is she even "far left"? You think someone to her left would prosper in a national election in the U.S.?
Except that when Democrats run on "far left" policy they outperform. See 2018 and 2020. When they try to throw that faction under the bus and suck up to this mythical Republican voter that is so sick of Trump they'll vote Democrat if only the Democrats are Republican light, they underperform.
See 2016 and 2024. Schumer's "For every blue collar worker we lose we'll gain 2 or 3 Republican college graduates in the suburbs" quip from 2016 battle states is pretty much the worst political instinct of the last 30 years. We've stablished over 10 years that does. not. work.
The way it *used* to work is that the left came up with policy, it was tempered some by the party, and then presented to the people. And those ideas were and are popular. The left is the functional equivalent to all the think tanks et al that the right funds.
The greatest trick the Right/fascists ever pulled was convincing the Democrats that the left was evil and abandon them. And that shit happened back before we were even born. Democrats have struggled with original policy for decades now because of it.
Guess what? That's also a losing strategy. People might as well vote for real-deal MAGAs if that's what they want.
Is MAGA even "right," or is it actually populist/nationalist/fascist? Is that what a large minority wants, but a lot of people will accept if they think it'll lower the price of eggs?
oh well someone should tell the democratic party voters that moving their party to the right isn't going to win them elections because lots of them believe that.
You think in narrow terms of left and right. Shouldn't you be thinking about the dialectic? The proletariat versus the oligarchs? All you need to do is convince the lumpenproletariat where their interests lie. Easy-peasy, right? So go do it.
The left wins all the time, all across the world -- in fact, that's what got us civil rights for women and non-white people in the US.
People in the left sometimes disagree, true, but there are definitely broadly-popular issues; codifying Roe (and Loving...) and Medicare4All come to mind!
Yes, it does. The United States isn't the rest of the world, and either Americans are just refractory to progressives, or progressives have no fkn idea how to win an election here.
The place is burning to the ground, and you're doing a Don Quixote. You might want to try to figure out what doesn't work and what doesn't in CAMPAIGNING before dreaming about the distant future. You can't implement your great ideas in the U.S. if you can't win an election in the U.S. It takes votes
damn dude. when have they ever appealed to the far left? the whole fucking problem with the last 30 years of democratic policies in the united states is that they've constantly been moving to the right on every issue.
Discussions like this, free will, consciousness, etc. tend to go around and around, with people talking past each other, because the key terms are never defined.
What does "far left" even mean? Bernie Sanders? Elizabeth Warren (whom I supported)? A friend thinks Sanders is a righty squish. So...?
What terminology would you prefer? How would you define it? What do you want? Would you prefer to center the Overton window over the things you prefer?
Hi kind heart wish you are doing fine 👋💸🍉I sincerely need your help! Could you kindly share my campaign? Your support can make a powerful difference. Even a small contribution of €5 or €10 can go a long way in creating real change.🙏🙏 Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. ❤️
Link in bio.
Harry S Truman: "If it's a choice between a genuine Republican, and a Republican in Democratic clothing, the people will choose the genuine article, every time."
40% of Harris’ nearly 1B campaign was funded by individual donations under $200.
The neoliberals who work for corporations would have you believe we need their money or we can’t win. I say the sooner we kick those mother fuckers to the curb the sooner we return to authenticity and win.
Democrats who want to move away from small dollar donors are actually onboard with the push for an all out military conflict in Europe. They're just saying it with a whimper while holding on to their $$$
Welcome to Nazi World, where only the richest have a vote and people are just things.
I mostly tried to avoid the bullshit this weekend but that was easily the most outrageous takeaway from that. The only way you can come to the conclusion that many small donors are a bad thing is because you simply want to replace, not eliminate, the oligarchy your argument is that those Democrats aren't Democrats? Like, it's a fact, man, the people who were elected to office with a D by their name and are members of the party are Democrats. That's how nouns work.
No, the point is that they are not there representing the Democratic Party in any meaningful sense. They are Third Way ideologues, advancing Third Way talking points & plans.
They'd LOVE to be seen as acting with the Democratic Party imprimatur, and giving that cover to them is serving their aims.
It is not possible for a Democrat politician to go to a political event not representing the Democrat Party at least tacitly. That is how group affiliations work.
This feels like a lot of no true Scotsman mental gymnastics to deflect criticism of the Democrats.
They're becoming "centrists" - a "centrist" is someone whose entire ideological belief is dictated by money and self-interest. Same for the so-called "moderates" - they have only three questions for any strategy:
1. Will this make me rich?
2. Will this make me powerful?
3. Will I stay that way?
Harris was literally proposing a $15 minimum wage (idgaf if “it’s not enough,” I live on 20k and would rather have 10k more per year than have nothing but complaints), 20k in housing assistance, and banning private equity groups from the housing market. Unions shifted blue for a reason.
I watched this earlier, I'm watching Terminally Online now (holy shit that airplane video), & I'm part of the Heater Fan Club cuz well look at Heater... How did I miss the Heater logo on the back of your mic!?! It's so perfect!!!
so easily change parties and often do in their careers is
only difference between moderate democrats
and GOP is belief in society "safety nets"
they easily discard that for dollars, it's horrific
very rarely do you see the opposite migration happen
ohhhh when they said "focus" they meant "send endless spam texts asking for money"
but if not.. also what you said is correct.
They've always been against you.
I know this because I get requests via text and email multiple times a day.
Dems need donors of all sizes; small, medium, and large.
Previous courts said “even the appearance of corruption” was harmful.
Accept big money, and Dems race Republicans to the bottom. Most people on both sides support a ban.
democrats have absolutely, without fail, always ignored the lessons of their many losses to delude themselves into a mindset that allows them to stay corrupt and out of touch.
idfk how they do it but boy howdy it makes me mad
Not sure how your comment is responsive to mine.
I can certainly see the differences between the two parties. Thanks.
you’re right
Also f#@k the Third Way
OTOH, the Third Way/neolib coalition is still healthy, tho def on the downswing:
All my life.
Nothing can change my beliefs.
Wow, big change, one might say.
Nope. Haven't changed my views much. It's the Overton Window that's moved, and moved *hard.*
So what's the solution?
If you want a winning stance for Democrats: "Oligarchy is screwing you, & we'll fight it."
Let me put it another way: did Harris run as a far leftist? Just the opposite: she ran basically as a Republican.
"Oligarchy is screwing you [and your a moron if you don't see it]" is probably not a winning approach. So -- what to do?
Kinda like how almost no one sees themselves as "rich", even the rich.
When a lot of people are disengaged, cynical, ignorant, and influenced by influencers, and madly self-centered, then what?
We're talking about the United States here.
“Moderate” Democrats have tried exactly one thing (wooing Republicans and ignoring their own base), and are now out of ideas.
Is MAGA even "right," or is it actually populist/nationalist/fascist? Is that what a large minority wants, but a lot of people will accept if they think it'll lower the price of eggs?
People in the left sometimes disagree, true, but there are definitely broadly-popular issues; codifying Roe (and Loving...) and Medicare4All come to mind!
Either way, we lose.
What does "far left" even mean? Bernie Sanders? Elizabeth Warren (whom I supported)? A friend thinks Sanders is a righty squish. So...?
Link in bio.
It's like herding cats.
No offence to cats.
40% of Harris’ nearly 1B campaign was funded by individual donations under $200.
The neoliberals who work for corporations would have you believe we need their money or we can’t win. I say the sooner we kick those mother fuckers to the curb the sooner we return to authenticity and win.
Welcome to Nazi World, where only the richest have a vote and people are just things.
You fell for the bait and switch.
Third Way isn't a party, it's a parasitical camp trying to inject itself into the two parties.
They'd LOVE to be seen as acting with the Democratic Party imprimatur, and giving that cover to them is serving their aims.
This feels like a lot of no true Scotsman mental gymnastics to deflect criticism of the Democrats.
1. Will this make me rich?
2. Will this make me powerful?
3. Will I stay that way?