Wat dis “sel serb cate flab”?
Wi hab Mombs an Dades to do our bittins.
Wher mi Momb?
MOMB! Oben da dore!
I no mi not owtside kitty but mi da boss!
also McQ inside ownly, Imb was inside ownly til 1,yeer oldt. Vets recommendt where we liff. Imb was desperit to goe owr wit mine older cate frend budt McQ liek inside. I amb less an less owtside
If my neighbor isn’t home sometimes neighbor cat will run to the front door and scream at me if she hears me coming. I’m like girlie I don’t have a key to your house what do you want from me
My sister would leave her sliding door partially opened for her cat, Hurley.
If it was raining & he got wet, he’d come inside and demand to be dried off, even during middle of night.
One morning, Hurley was meowing loudly. She got up and walked to him, to find a skunk walking from kitchen to go out.
Mine cate mentor Miles maed own cate door wit clawe by cuttink edge of screene. We had odder cates comb in. Momb replase screen after he 🌈- no moar in an owt privlidges. unfare!
Silly Momb, dass wun of her mane jobs - duznint she want to keeps her impawtant dutees & her pay? Her layber yooyin no be backink dis silly kind of stuffs. 🤔😸😁
Humm, tuff question Flanoy. Let’s flip it to ‘how many time should a ca’at ask Momb to open door’. If Momb is not sitting or laying down, infinity (what else she got to do?). If Momb sitting or laying down, zero, she gots to rest her old bones 😁
idt goink bedder then momb think. Imb liek mcqueen an Imb liek to play wit himb an so Imb nodt so innerested in goink owtside. Manely I downt liek to use litter bocks - Imb rather go owtside.
Wat dis “sel serb cate flab”?
Wi hab Mombs an Dades to do our bittins.
Wher mi Momb?
MOMB! Oben da dore!
I no mi not owtside kitty but mi da boss!
If it was raining & he got wet, he’d come inside and demand to be dried off, even during middle of night.
One morning, Hurley was meowing loudly. She got up and walked to him, to find a skunk walking from kitchen to go out.