Happy belated Year of the Snake! To commemorate the occassion, here's a silly little comic where a Samuel L. Jackson character apes one of Samuel L. Jackson's most iconic lines in cinema.
* Lucas' Snake Rope (Mother 3)
* Mr. Snake (The Bad Guys)
* Rattlesnake Jake (Rango)
* Viper (Kung-Fu Panda)
* Lola Boa (Brandy and Mr. Whiskers)
* Kaa (The Jungle Book)
* Slips Python (My Gym Partner's a Monkey)
* Craig Slithers (Sanjay and Craig)
* Esmerelda (64 Zoo Lane)
* Snivy (Pokémon)
* Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
* Lyric (Sonic Boom)
* Trowser (Yooka-Laylee)
None of the characters or series belong me.