Always game for the commentary,but no appetite to watch the twice impeached, 34 time convicted felon, adjudicated sexual offender and insurrectionist owing hundreds of millions of dollars for defamation and financial fraud purport to swear an oath of allegiance to the US Constitution. Facts matter.
Nobody cares! No one is watching the inauguration. Read the fcking room Tim. How about you cover Trump confessing to musk rigging the “vote counting machines”?!
It was interesting when he said that we don't need your votes. Then, he clamed up about it. Now he is saying it again. He can't keep secrets. Investigate you know thus election was bought and paid for.
You couldn’t pay me enough to watch anything to do with the inauguration of that man to a role he doesn’t deserve. But that’s your job I get it I on the other hand don’t have to participate do I will not. He craves attention and I’m not giving it to him.
I have no interest in seeing this loser again up there with his hand on a Bible saying he's going to uphold the Constitution he's trying to dismantle fuck him
It's going to be a challenge over the next 4 years, turning off the volume everytime I hear him speak...when a radio station includes remarks. Haven't watched news since. I'll read about it and even then have to curtail the time I devote.
Do better but money talks, right?
The people always get the government that they deserve.
I'm definitely gonna check out Tim's commentary.
Seen that shitshow before