How does a political party get comfortable with the use of violence? How does a constitutional democracy drift toward authoritarianism? The answers are right in front of us. breaks down how Republicans got comfortable with the January 6 pardons: breaks down how Republicans got comfortable with the January 6 pardons:
The denial of reality is gaslighting to get people to capitulate their volition. Do not submit.
Violence almost certainly will result.
In 1872 Congress passed the Amnesty Act which lifted the 14th Amendment ban on insurrectionists holding public office. Hundreds of former Confederates were elected. By 1876 Reconstruction was replaced by Jim Crow and, not coincidentally, the Gilded Age.
One of the 2 parties
Fun fact
If the Fuhrer says the sky is green, the sky is green, until he says it is red, than it is red.
The Fuhrer has decreed that violence serving him is not a crime but laudable.
93.7% of SA offenders were men.
53.8% were White, 18.9% were Black, 14.4% were Hispanic, 10.5% were Native American, and 2.4% were Other races.
66.4% involved in production of child pornography were White.
94.9% were US citizens.