Multiple times this year, I've had people send me ChatGPT-generated answers to legal questions to dispute my analysis. Most were clients. One was opposing counsel.
Every single time, it included a citation to a statute or case that didn't exist.
Every single time, it included a citation to a statute or case that didn't exist.
Reposted from
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)
Every single day I get cold called by legal software companies telling me to buy their AI products. THIS IS WHY I ALWAYS SAY NO.
I'll be looking for the end to jump off of if you need me
AI is such a huge waste of time. Can’t believe that three years ago we didn’t need to actually filter through online stock images to verify that they’re taken by human beings… and that even two years ago “fake cases” were something limited to OPCAs.
Got a fantastic syllabus to use as a framework, but every single URL was a 404'd page.
It's still a useful syllabus, but I'd need a couple of weeks to fill it in: links, videos, readings, etc.