An ex-friend of mine said that Trump was "the world`s biggest liar" the other day just because he allegedly said he`d swim up Niagara Falls if he won the election.
News Alert:
He`s not the world`s biggest liar. I saw him do it. I was swimming up backstroke and passed him just before the top!
News Alert:
He`s not the world`s biggest liar. I saw him do it. I was swimming up backstroke and passed him just before the top!
With a tail wind.
On a greased track.
You must make a full submission of your lies for the past 30 years, authenticated by references from independent recognized sources, verified by officials of member nations of the U.N., or at the minimum NATO, to be considered.
I had not heard that term in recent films or episodes of "Slow Horses".
I may not rely on unauthenticated rumors, not during this century.
It may be because I read aloud to my grandchildren when they were young, and became conversant with children's books.
Or perhaps it has more to do with my favorite American author of comic novels, Carl Hiaasen (CHOMP is great).
He might bathe. That probably would be a good idea, considering his reported “accidents”.
After all, shit floats and he's full of shit, so...
CFOTUS - Convicted Felon