I'm going to talk about one of the most traumatizing events of my life through the lens of Natalie Wynn's video, "Shame".
I will share as much detail as I can without rendering myself comatose. I rarely bring it up because I know this story can easily be weaponized against us, but here we are.
I will share as much detail as I can without rendering myself comatose. I rarely bring it up because I know this story can easily be weaponized against us, but here we are.
The demographic that has sexually harassed me and abused the most is white bisexual trans women.
This includes the woman who locked me back in the closet when I came out to her, then later assaulted me in a kink scene, an incident I have come to understand as corrective rape.
So let's discuss.
This includes the woman who locked me back in the closet when I came out to her, then later assaulted me in a kink scene, an incident I have come to understand as corrective rape.
So let's discuss.
but i just wanted to say again, that no matter what you say or do, ill never leave your side. Nothing can discredit the work you have done for the community and for me, in my eyes but
im so sorry all this happened bhatt auntie :( i love you so much!! and ill wont leave you ever
I did, in fact, love her very much.
So why did she deny me?
Well. Consider that the first time I was ever considered "masculine", it was in the USA.
In India, I was some kind of un-manned freak who couldn't perform masculinity to save her life.
In the West ... my skin was brown.
🫂 You deserved and deserve fuckin better than that
I wasn't "faggotized", ever, in my life. Not really in India, despite my degendering, and definitely not when I was being racialized.
So I had a certain value, as a man ... but moreover, as a "safe man".
If I transitioned, I'd be another tranny. As Wynn notes about the trans woman who rejected her, a relationship between trans women is not one that confers either partner much legibility. Just two freaks. Plus, my rapist already had a transfem partner. A white one.
That closet door was slammed in my face because she had other plans for me. Better ones.
Specifically, making me her man-shaped security blanket in public and abusing me in private.
Hilarious, right?
Literal whipping girl.
who would come up with something so stupid, so removed from all our lived experiences, it amounts to little else but just another way to deny us our homosexuality, our experiences...
so seriously, props for speaking up 🫂