The totalised capture of the media by anti-trans gender ideologues, intent on denying us a voice and refusing to acknowledge our humanity or treat us with dignity, is an actual real-time epistemic atrocity.
We are humans being treated like an abhorrent, aberrant spectacle unworthy of respect.
We are humans being treated like an abhorrent, aberrant spectacle unworthy of respect.
Reposted from
Imagine living in a country where trans people are not prohibited from writing articles in mainstream media!
Imagine living in a country where trans people are not prohibited from writing articles in mainstream media!
It’s not enough to deny them a voice, it’s to deny anyone else the chance of engaging with them. It’s social book burning.
Were they though? Were they really?
Look at their response to such a simple request.
The transmisogyny probably doesn't help.
There's this sort of old-fashioned aristocratic stink about the whole thing.
If you wrong us shall we not revenge?” hours
*wrongs may include flouting the law, but since our existence is being made illegal IDGAF
To them it's akin to saying that livestock deserves justice. It just doesn't make sense.