😆 I'm on a main stretch, my neighbour around the corner hasn't got half as many. I believe the thought process is... if they've done my stretch, they've done the area... but they've all had the same idea 😂
That’s good to hear Sharon. We’ve had only a few leaflets so far in my northside neighbourhood but most have knocked. Having a Ring doorbell this election is useful to see who knocks. (I’ve obviously been doing some knocking myself!)
There does seem to be a lot of ground work out there in this election. Only one of the big names hasn't been to my door. I've even had a good few independents
Media platforms and social media are important but social media particularly can be very noisy - you have to do the groundwork and meet people. It’s one of the good things about Irish politics, we have met, have opportunity to meet, or know our representatives!