some briton came into my replies earlier to tell me this didn't sound like an epiphany to him, more like an opinion, and i am still debating hiring someone to drive a lorrence into his flat
I'm an American and unfamiliar with this use of "glass" as a verb. Does it mean dumping a drink on them? Or shattering a bottle over their head? Or breaking the bottle on the table and then stabbing them with the broken glass?
Just want to know how colorful I'm being if I adopt this cool idiom.
One time I told a student, "Actually today's the day I'm not letting a teenager talk to me like that." I had to have a meeting with admin about that one. I regret nothing.
If I'm not sure how swearing might go over I use "who is it you imagine you're talking to like that?" I have that and "what makes you so special?" in the chamber at all times. I do acknowledge the privilege of being a big ol' boy.
Just want to know how colorful I'm being if I adopt this cool idiom.
*fists start to get thrown*
In the words of Katt Williams you can’t say F Everyone in the club, walk out & then expect VIP treatment when u try to come in again
We let them know. Muttering insults at us under your breath? Nono friend. Say it with your whole chest. Be brave. We'll tell you about yourself.
Assholes should be named as such.