The third film is totally worth a watch, I’d say it’s up there with the first one. Josh Brolin plays a great young Agent K and Will Smith is in top form, plus it has Jermaine Clements and a few good cameos, I was totally surprised after the second one was so terrible.
We walked my 3-week old granddaughter around the house as she wailed. And this after we installed a perfectly dry diaper on her and her mom shoved a perfectly good breast with perfectly good milk in her mouth.
I had two slices of pizza, a glass of wine and watched the Canada/USA hockey game. It was a great night and I hope everyone else had the best night possible. :)
I watched Tombstone for the first time. It was really good. I did a Deadpool trilogy Friday night. I’m not sure what I want tonight. Pull out some blue rays. Maybe, Westworld.
I loved the new one too.
good use of your evening imo, i might have to do that myself
and yet somehow the first movie still hasn't turned a profit
Rotting even