If I were to actually _write_ a facecious story, rather than _tell_ one of the factual stories you love so much, this would not be on the front cover.
I'd just like say to my 100th p3percentile peers, Donald Trump and Elon Musk, that I have in fact studied the blade.
I'd just like say to my 100th p3percentile peers, Donald Trump and Elon Musk, that I have in fact studied the blade.
PS Batmud gods or whaver you call yourselves (juggelo?) owe me a 1337 set of tiger gear and 1B xp in my new reinc for putting a target on my forhead in the Blayke Badass party I payed for to get a named
I want bard points for sucking 2 years in a row at BatCon where I risked my life (they were literally airlifting cows out with helicopters) to suck at playing wish you were here,and then again the next year because apparently we sucked at music also?