Iraq was what permanently radicalized me. It should have permanently radicalized everyone. I always had a healthy distrust of the Americans and of my own government, but that was when it really hit that "Okay, this power structure is my enemy, and it needs to be brought down."
I was listening to talk radio one day and a caller said, 'It's about oil'. He was immediately cut off. That told me he was right.
To me, this goes for all of them: Russia, America, China, Israel, Ukraine, India, France, Germany, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea (either 1), NZ, Turkey, Canada, all of them
The International Brigades relied on the USSR, we know how that ended, the Soviets used them to destroy (continue)
They aren’t your friends, they aren’t you allies, they don’t care about your liberty, they use you
Or say they went the way of France, Russia, or China and ended up with the sensible ones being targeted and the warlords muscling in & those who sponsored it then decided this was their chance to(cont.)
Those who rose up would be back where they started
Bernie outing himself as a coward and a fraud radicalized me in 2020 toward anarchy and I have never looked back.
Shame it didn't.
But Gaza has.