You gotta be crazy not to pick C. Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries all counting as one fruit is a massive loophole. Other than that uh I guess B and I
berries kiwi and grapes i dont literallly eat most of those other frujits lmfaooo
gtapes and berries are important bc they go into smoothies and smoothies are a safe food. theyre hard to scrounge up the energy to make but theyre safe and thats what matters. fruit is also usually safe
ummm FUCK pineapple though i cant. it makes my mouth feel so subtly weird that i think im losing it. no hate to ppl that like it. im not eating any so more for you!!
gtapes and berries are important bc they go into smoothies and smoothies are a safe food. theyre hard to scrounge up the energy to make but theyre safe and thats what matters. fruit is also usually safe
Dried pineapple
you learn something new everyday :DDD