Your regular reminder that the vast, vast majority of migrants to the UK do not, in fact, have access to benefits and this is very clearly stated on BRPs as “no recourse to public funds”.
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Is it true that her mother flew here from Nigeria to give birth to her, then returned to Nigeria, where Kemi spent her first sixteen years?
If so? what a hypocrite.
Instead of parroting the bollocks of politicians, wouldn't it be useful if journalists inserted fact check notes? This would have 2 benefits. Politicians would have to be more truthful & it might reduce the Ire directed towards those who don't deserve it.
That would mean the press putting integrity over profits which won't happen.
There's also a large (larger than there should be) number of people who think they KNOW what's going on based on their own biases and there's little that will change their minds.
There needs to be direct sanctions for MPs lying too, both in interviews and social media, especially when it's a blatant lie.
10% of months salary fine, can be reduced to 5% if the lie is admitted within 1 week, and not just an 'I got it wrong' it has to be an 'I lied and knew it' statement.
Allow them 24hrs grace to make a public unprovoked "Oh, sh*t, I got it wrong. Very sorry" retraction for the cases where they really DO make an accident.
When they get back to the office someone will tell them if they had made a mistake or mixed something up.
mp's shouldn't open their mouths unless they know for certain what they are talking about,look at helen whately quoting how the tories had reduced debt...800billion to 2.6 trillion.
Tory Brexiteers aren’t interested in facts. 60 seconds online would debunk most of what comes out of her mouth most of the time. If people would verify stuff when they heard it, there’d be no point in her spouting it.
Asylum seekers get £49/week
If meals are provided they get just under 9/week
Once met an asylum seeker through my role with citizens advice. He came to me asking if there was any way he could work. Didn’t care what. Supermarket, whatever
I've tried to have this conversation with people who believed the free house / car / top of the range phone lies. They don't believe it because they don't *want* to believe it.
Like the pet-eating Trump BS, it gets and keeps a nasty emotion onto the agenda.
1: declare you'll stop immigrants getting benefits
2: go for a pleasant walk in the countryside
3: declare mission accomplished. Immigrants can't get benefits.
Yet more client journalism. The continuing hints at withdrawing from the ECHR are just as concerning, as this hints at human rights being of lower importance than political expediency.
Radio 4 this morning the coverage was founded on the premise that immigration was a problem not people making a contribution. When did we give up thinking about this?
She’s still trying to make the Tories more far right than Reform thinking that’ll win them votes back from Reform, it might work to some extent but it won’t win them an election
And the process of becoming a permanent resident takes years, costs thousands of pounds including a hefty NHS surcharge payment (which I doubt the NHS ever sees). And the bureaucracy is epic. My wife’s application weighed 1kg with all the paperwork needed.
Barring some papers from her press conference increases her chances that her drivel will go unchallenged.
Cowardly, and every journalist needs to question her on this.
I think journalists should all refuse to attend when this happens. Reminds me of a line from Deep Impact ‘I know you’ve got a job to do, but once you were a human being’.
The sheer gall of the woman considering that her mother came here to give birth to her just before the British Nationality Act 1981 abolished automatic birthright citizenship for those born in the United Kingdom.
Which many don’t actually want as they want to work but the system prevents that being a quick or straightforward process. We are paying so much for immigration now for a broken system. It’s not fit for purpose. I contacted Home Secretary a month ago, no response. Brilliant
So according to her, her party made mistakes in how it handled the issue before it lost the last election but they're going to keep doing the same things again. And she lying again about what asylum seekers are given. Leopards never change their spots.
In addition to this, most migrants who move to the UK pay what’s known as the Immigration Health Surcharge of £1,035 per year in order to access the NHS on top of exactly the same levels of taxation as everyone else.
Badenoch know it fine well. But she knows the stupids don’t know it. And she also knows the stupids will believe the lies they want to believe, the lies that support their small-minded prejudices, rather than the facts that challenge them.
Better than that you can’t access any of it until you have a GPwhich is impossible as they require so many UK ID checks it takes months for the newly arrived to gather.So in effect the govt are getting money for absolutely nothing & then when my husband gets a job he’ll be paying taxes like e’1 else
That’s mistaken. Making a claim for a social welfare benefit in the U.K. never depends on already being registered with a GP. But proving evidence of incapacity for work might.
I think we are talking about different things. I am talking about my husband who has recently arrived in the UK on a spouse visa & cannot access NHS services without registering with a doctor. His visa also clearly states he cannot access benefits
didn't take long for these particularly terrible politicians (dare I say humans) to "forget" how much immigration actually INCREASED after Brexit and while they were in power. If I were Orwell, I'd be on the Whisky already.
She knows it, of course but hopes (and believes) that the swamp dwellers she is trying to appeal to don't. And until the MSM calls out these blatant lies, shell continue to spout them and stoke the hatred the tories thrive on.
The so-called liberal press, New York Times, Washington Post have both effectively taken the knee for trump. And of course there’s Murdoch’s Fox News, Wall Street Journal and New York Post.
It’s a nightmare media-wise both sides of the pond.
Tbh given the Brexit debates where many MPs didn’t read the reports (yellowhammer) or know what a SM / CU is but voted anyway the idea that she knows is speculation and I’m not convinced
Vile! Always going after the most vulnerable in society! Never going after the super rich, who are the cause of most of our issues; if we just taxed them fairly, we could have a decent society for all!
KemiKazi make me wish that we could deport people like her who are only British because her mum came to the UK just long enough to give birth to Kemi before returning to Nigeria where Kemi had it tough being the daughter of a GP and a University professor and being educated at a private school .
Naga Munchetty talking to the immigration minister on BBC this morning was just another example of soundbite journalism. Pushing for a number of migrants that was too high was puerile. Granted the minister was a gibbering idiot. It’s pathetic
It’s funny all this anti-immigrant talk comes from someone whose mother came to the U.K. because Kemi would be given birth right citizenship, before leaving to Nigeria.
If so? what a hypocrite.
There's also a large (larger than there should be) number of people who think they KNOW what's going on based on their own biases and there's little that will change their minds.
10% of months salary fine, can be reduced to 5% if the lie is admitted within 1 week, and not just an 'I got it wrong' it has to be an 'I lied and knew it' statement.
When they get back to the office someone will tell them if they had made a mistake or mixed something up.
If meals are provided they get just under 9/week
Once met an asylum seeker through my role with citizens advice. He came to me asking if there was any way he could work. Didn’t care what. Supermarket, whatever
Many want to work. It’s crazy we don’t allow it
I've tried to have this conversation with people who believed the free house / car / top of the range phone lies. They don't believe it because they don't *want* to believe it.
Like the pet-eating Trump BS, it gets and keeps a nasty emotion onto the agenda.
and some people would be "outraged"
2: go for a pleasant walk in the countryside
3: declare mission accomplished. Immigrants can't get benefits.
Badenock may be likened to a tabloid ‘news’ paper; merely serving the prejudices of her readers/followers.
Cowardly, and every journalist needs to question her on this.
Oh, and we pay a shit-ton of taxes both here and as US citizens, to the Federal govt there too.
It’s not fun.
Unsurprisingly, hasn’t bothered to give any sort of context to her statements, as per usual.
The so-called liberal press, New York Times, Washington Post have both effectively taken the knee for trump. And of course there’s Murdoch’s Fox News, Wall Street Journal and New York Post.
It’s a nightmare media-wise both sides of the pond.