What the Trump administration is doing to unions right now is worse than what Reagan did to PATCO, and if TSA workers allow their union contract to be tossed out without striking, public sector union power in America will soon be decimated.
Trump/Musk will start dismissing them. It's make or break for all unions.
So will others join in? All union workers out, everywhere, not just federal service? Everywhere. General strike.
Thwart their voter suppression efforts.
Were I among the employees, I would advocate for mass, simultaneous, no notice resignations. But most people don't go that far.
I've always heard this but never the follow up besides Reagan firing FAA workers when they striked.
ICE and Homeland security need to be gutted. They're xenophobia wrapped in a cloth labeled "patriotism".
I hope anyone that voted for the bipolar-buffoon suffer mightily because of lack of services.
I said what I said.
All I wrote is that I hope those that voted for trump suffer.
Not sorry.