• final fantasy x
• pokémon crystal
• persona 4 golden
• kingdom hearts
• grandia II
• star ocean 3: till the end of time
• final fantasy vii
Taking JRPG recs (old/new) based on my list!
Chrono Trigger, Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, FF9, Ocarina of Time, what else?
• final fantasy x
• pokémon crystal
• persona 4 golden
• kingdom hearts
• grandia II
• star ocean 3: till the end of time
• final fantasy vii
Taking JRPG recs (old/new) based on my list!
Chrono Trigger, Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, FF9, Ocarina of Time, what else?
I will also shout out Live A Live (also from Square, it got an HD-2D remake and it’s GREAT) and Sakaguchi’s Fantasian (I played it on Apple Arcade and it’s getting a sweet enhanced port next month.
(And Earthbound obviously)
(But I also really do need to play Earthbound thanks bestie!!!)
My bf gasped at the fact that someone knows the game; now he knows a total of 3 people lolol - we even played a Pathfinder campaign based on it!
I got stuck in Horteka (or w/e that confusing tree village is called) & took a break from it but I’ve been meaning to try again!
My brother got me into it, along with a bunch of other Dreamcast games when I was young. My nostalgia goggles have an orange swirl
I recommend you check out dragon quest. You can realistically jump in at any of em but I recommend 5, 8, and 11 for new players. The remake of 3 is supposed to be great, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet!
See also:
Shadow Hearts
Yokai watch 🥺🥺
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
That’s it. All you need. The intro hooks you right away.
Chrono Trigger <3
Secret of Mana
Star Ocean 1 (its on Switch! and someone else already recommended Star Ocean 2 so this one is also good)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Secret of Mana
Octopath Traveler
I have even more but you have quite the list already :)
Also AYYYYY https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA32477_00-SCUS944910000000
And I DO still have a PS2 but… out of convenience and “fiscal responsibility” I’ll get the PS5 copy. Thanks for the recs!
-tactics ogre
-vagrant story
-shin megami tensei nocturne and digital devil saga
-Valkyrie profile 1/2
Also, play Radiant Historia! It's sort of double retro, insofar as it's very much in the style of SNES JRPGs, and also it was on the DS which is old enough to be retro now and isn't that just horrible to think about.