Hot take: it would've been a success still, but with a different design pattern for the animated characters, but we would've lost the best part of the Rescue Rangers movie.
A side effect of this would be that nobody would remember the Chip and Dale movie, as "ugly Sonic" and his redemption arc is the only thing people remember about it.
The rejection of that design was the beginning of the end for realistic-fantasies in Hollywood and the start of them embracing the fantastic more often (at least I hope so)
We never would have got a movie 2 bro, 20 more years of waiting for tails/knuckles/shadow in a movie bro, we are in the bad timeline but that would have been the worse timeline
Christ, imagining how flat they could make any of the family themes feel if he was just a walking fuckin nightmare. Like, “DON’T HUG IT AND LET IT LIVE IN YOUR HOME, BURN IT UNTIL IT STOPS MOVING!” Also would’ve made people REALLY resent the product placement way more
This is what I want to know. To my knowledge the design is the only thing that changed so I want to know if we'd have gotten two sequels if they didn't change it since the movie itself would technically still be good
Well its a known fact that there weren't any echidnas in the original Ugly Sonic cut of the movie (instead Longclaw got murdered by some lizard guys) so Knuckles would be a lot different.
The world ain't ready for Ugly Shadow.
Abomination shadow though.. And Tails and Knuckles
But I'm still really happy with what we have now, because it does indeed work a lot better than the older design.
I haaaate how Sonic is characterized in these movies and it really ruins them for me.