I have a weird set of views on this for sort of a libertariany person, in that I think European societies are really good and pleasant, but you have to accept a 20% VAT and this set of marginal tax rates, and the US population will never accept them.
We are so so far from that
Capitalism is fairest and best when the rules don't grossly benefit the biggest
The basic idea is that we should tax things we want less of and we actually want more productive work in the economy rather than consumption.
on some levels our discussion of income taxes miss the point that the super high earners don't get it the kind of income we tax heavily.
What about actual disposable income? Happiness level?
see also guns
VATs and higher rates on middle-class explain Euro welfare states
but comparing US and Euro tax take isn’t apples-to-apples, since they pay WAY less OOP for health and education…