17 states are literally suing to make it okay to kill me and people like me.
Abled allies, please show up. I haven't seen much from you in the last five years. I want to believe you'll be there now. Will you be?
Abled allies, please show up. I haven't seen much from you in the last five years. I want to believe you'll be there now. Will you be?
Reposted from
David M. Perry
17 states are suing to overturn section 504.
Still cannot believe how it went downward that fast in, what... Nine years?
We need the ADA to protect ourselves from people like him!
And thank you for asking.
Maybe they thought you would be nicer to talk to about things than some others? I'm not even leaving my phone # since I don't answer numbers I don't recognize.
General protests are happening. Bring signs about this to them.
Pushback is essential from every vector. Make a loud fuss about this.
You can sign up to attend here: https://dredf-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SakrItZPT_KM0NIWJNlDHg#/registration
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Don’t know who's your Rep or Sen? Go here:
Be polite. Give your name and zip code. Call them often. Share this info!