I have Fallot 1st with the ammo storage. I'm currently sitting in about 500,000 cartridges that I share with my son and daughter-in-law. What's funny is I started out with 100,000 but my weapon keeps printing its own ammo.
I’m not sure whether it was a bug, but I have the box too, & one day, I made tens and tens of thousands of 2mmec and I could only walk one step at a time and the box refused to take anything close to max of what I had just made. I had to walk incredibly slowly to the nearest donation bin.
Had to be a glitch. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I have millions of rounds of various ammo in my box. If it keeps occurring, maybe submit a ticket to Bethesda.
I’m sure it was just a one off ☺️ I just wanted to warn you before you bought all that ammo. Did you buy it with real money btw? I’ve never seen it like that.
I use a website called Gameflip. It's very secure and your purchases are guaranteed. U was a nervous wreck the first few times I used it, but now it's a part of my FO76 routine. They sell a lot of in-game items for cheap.
First, thank you for the heads up. Second, yes I buy it with real money. I buy all of my ammo, bulk scrap, and hard to find legendary mods (EXPLOSIVE!) with real money. It's surprisingly cheap and easy plus gives me more actual playtime.
Sure, you do you. I only heard that ppl pay for things after the last Fasnacht with the masks. I had a spare glowy bull mask and somebody offered actual money and I like “nah, dude. Just take it.” It doesn’t work for me but it makes sense ☺️