Hard pass for me. I get in the first boarding group and put my bag in the overhead bin and…that’s it. No spending for a checked bag that might be delayed or worse, get lost. Also, I don’t feel like waiting at the checked bag area. I’d rather curate my travel gear for efficiency’s sake.
YES! The absolute *move* here is for airlines to figure out how to make waiting for luggage not-suck*, so that market-forces could prevail again and only those that genuinely needed carry-only choose it, and the experience for literally *everyone* improves.
The simplest thing, and I know airlines aren't directly responsible for this, is to make the wait time predictable/available to people. It's not really the waiting thats bad, it's the not-knowing.
People who say this have apparently never had a tight connection or tried to make an earlier flight or had to change destinations due to a cancelled flight. The qualifying statement should be, if you’re traveling for leisure, have a direct flight, and can do without your gear for a day, check a bag.
On a plane right now watching people wrestle over overhead bins. We checked two big suitcases and are relaxing. Very satisfying….if our bags make it there with us.