The older I get the less I'm interested in what feminist books a man has read or can summarize. I care much more about everyday stuff like whether or not he does his share of the housework. Theory is useless if its never put into practice.
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“If you did more house work, I’d suck your dick more. See, see the dishes! Do them, mouth is ready. Lazy don’t get me horny, & it sure as sure doesn’t get your dick sucked.” - is pretty effective on a man.
I think/hope you’re being somewhat tongue in cheek here, but worth noting that women should not have to bribe men with sex acts to get them to do an equal share of shared labor.
You are right about bribing to do the bare minimum. Bad precedent. Definitely tongue in cheek. To me, that is why I included the line “lazy don’t get me horny.” I think mutual respect & load sharing leads to more positive intimacy. If she’s doing all the house work & him, it’s a chore.
My mother raised us all to be able to cook, clean, do dishes, and make repairs to our clothes. We also learned to fix a leaky tap, repair a wall, and build stuff out of wood.
My parents raised me to think of no one as above or below anyone else, I have no need to read the books because I was brought up where the theory is normal practice
Goes for everything. Most of the time you can basically ignore whatever ideology a person claims. Watch their actions. If they're unkind or dishonest or domineering or cruel, I don't give a fig for what theories they espouse. Reversely some of the most wonderful people I've known profess no theory.
As a guy who lives in a two-man household (gay bloke) I can’t get my head around the idea that there are men who think the housework somehow does itself because there’s a woman present. You won’t clean or cook for yourself because you have a girlfriend? Seriously?Does she wipe your arse for you too?
I believe it was Simone de Beauvoir who once said, “Pour la millième fois, Jean-Paul, arrête de bavarder sur le néant et enlève tes putains de chausettes du canapé!”
I have become domesticated. I know how to clean house, do laundry and dishes. But I never make my Wife come outside and mow the grass, rake the leaves, or shovel the driveway. But I let her do the cooking...
i never heard anyone summarize a feminist book. in all my partnerships we just supported each other & shared the workload gender non-specific from day one. it wasn't even something that needed to be discussed. it just happened naturally. maybe i just live in a progressive area idk.
Yep. Nearly married someone who could spout all of the talking points and was great at having “the right opinions”, but at the end of the day I was working 14 hour days AND cleaning AND cooking while he sat and drank or played games for three years.
It's true. I have conservative male family members who go to bat more often for their wives and daughters than ~nuanced leftist~ friends. You can't just draft a blog post, sometimes you've got to put foot to ass. Easy lesson, you'd think!
One need only look at religion for a perfect example that reading the literature and talking the talk don’t necessarily translate to real world behaviour. I’m sure there are many decent men out there who have an intrinsic understanding of fairness, resect, and equality but never read a book about it
I never read any "theory" but I was raised by a single mom. She usually called things like helping around the house or treating everyone kindly "not being an asshole"... Wild stuff really
After having been divorced for 32 years, I can only find two uses for men: Painting walls and ceilings and the other occasional cuddling without asking more.
*I actually don't think men should claim to be feminists at all. They can be allies, but that word should be reserved for women.
Housework for men = sure, I’ll help you out a bit before the football game.
I hope you are as eager to see a Free Palestine in our life time as I am!
She was a bit OCD about cleaning, so it worked out pretty well for both of us! 🤣
also 'man' is meaningless