The Trump administration’s turn away from Europe is triggering a crisis in Brussels.
As the EU scrambles to prove its relevance, the European Council, where 27 national leaders make decisions by consensus, is being exposed as too divided to respond.
As the EU scrambles to prove its relevance, the European Council, where 27 national leaders make decisions by consensus, is being exposed as too divided to respond.
Dealing with an unexpected predicament is not a crisis...
Mobilising, not scrambling...
I don’t ask Politico to choose one or the other, but that’s what he is doing actually…
Doesn’t that feel bad?
In a #brawl it's always nice to know your "best friend" is the one that #Stabs you in the #BACK #BEFORE the #FIGHT has even #STARTED!
Message from #Trump to the #World:
#Get your #OWN #NUKES #ASAP!
It's not about the disunity and weaknes and slow decision making.
It's about the fact that EU is strong and there is a risk that it can became even stronger. Just as Poland was on the brink of becaming in the 18th century.
Today it is Vladimir of Russia, Donald of the USA...
He wants to give it to Putin as per their previous agreement.
They are actively organizing without (and probably against) the US. They don’t need us that badly.
then there's Hungary + Slovakia, together smaller than Denmark.
It is also an excellent validation of the need to have a united Europe. No country alone could resist. Together nothing can resist us.
The fat weird orange Krasnov turd has united Europe more than WW II did.