A group of European countries is devising a strategy to poach researchers in the United States in response to American government cuts in education and research.


How is it poaching? If America doesn't want them, others sure do, including Canada.
Yay Europe!
Good I hope they take all of them who have been devastated by cuts to research. Cancer research is being halted among other extremely important issues!
Actually we need visionary companies with huge capitals to invest not smart people to come.
Yes! Our best & brightest should go work for those that understand the value of the work they do.

Make Europe Great Again!
Good. Do not stop here. Go for the talents from innovation industries that so far had good reasons to work and live in America that are no longer valid.
Our country is weakening before our eyes.
Googles “how to become a researcher”…
They know the US will not be the world’s leader…
Good. I hope EU takes everything that was good about the US to knock the US off it's pedestal and put it in it's place and that the US never regains standing of any significance on the world stage. The tRump legacy will continue to be that if extreme ego & consequential failure.
As they should. When the fascists make science and research impossible in the US those who want continue their work must look elsewhere. Europe is happy to welcome them.
All except The Netherlands who are trying to get rid of their own scientists ou of fear of smart and educated people
My first Blue Sky post. Not sure how this works.
This sounds like a good idea.
Even I saw that one coming. It's called a brain rain.
Opnieuw staat Nederland niet in het lijstje van landen. Gemiste kans!
De door extreem-rechts aangevoerde coalitie in Nederland heeft daar het inzicht niet voor, laat staan de politieke wil. Dan moeten we eerst Wilders en z'n NSB eruit zetten.
In landen waar (extreem)rechts aan de macht is, zijn veel wetenschappers dikwijls aangeschoten wild.
Surely it’s offering asylum not poaching?
It was bound to happen.

During the 1930’s, scientists fled in the other direction, chased by Nazis.

History repeating itself …
Good news for us Europeans!
But did Trump think this through no fucking way he’s an old man who can’t think straight Americas in big big fucking trouble
Hey!! I suggested this last week!! Copy cats!! 🤣🤣🤣
Will they poach non-researchers too? Asking for a friend.
All non-fascists are welcome but getting a work visa or permanent residence is not easy, unless you have special circumstances... though at this rate Americans may soon be classified as political refugees and qualify for asylum.
Though worth noting (and looking into) some European countries have legacy citizenship programs for various historical reasons that you may qualify for depending on where your family was from. https://visaguide.world/europe/eu-citizenship-ancestry/
Thank you for info- I’ve tried to get dual citizenship with UK (my mother- British, my father - American & I’m American) but have been told if my father was British, I could get it, not with a British mother!! I’ve also tried Canada but can’t get cleared because I’m retired. I plan to try again.
If Britain doesn't work out for you, consider others. Language barrier is not an issue in many European countries (like the Netherlands, all of Scandinavia, etc).
Good idea. Otherwise I’ll be looking for countries that offer political asylum.
I’ll have a look at the Netherlands, etc.
Thanks again-
At least this way the research will continue.
... in a democratic country, not China
Strange. It almost seems like what the U.S. did to Germany ca. 85 years ago. ;-)
Welcome to Canada. I am sure we would welcome the best and brightest as well. And the quality of life is great.
Many probably happy to go
Getting us one step closer to slipping into full Idiocracy...sigh
One can hardly call it poaching when they have basically been thrown out of their positions. Our loss in the US and a sad one.
Is it even poaching if America doesn't want them anymore?
Let the brain train begin
YANKEE Brain Drain
It doesn't really matter in which country the cure can be found
Pick me, pick me!!!🙋‍♀️
Europe poaches eggs, too - no problem.
Just be careful to avoid pushing out European researchers. Otherwise, this could be a major boost for European know-how.
Also, relevant is the work from this Volt MEP to make this push an European-wide policy.

Well at least they will have a safe place to go and be free to do what they love. If they stay here they will be gagged, jobless, their 401k will be in the toilet, - should they retire, Social security will be unattainable.