BREAKING: In a 4-3 decision, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court grants a request from the RNC and affirms that counties should not count mail-in ballots where voters wrote the wrong date, or left off the date, on the outer return envelope.
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Only Republicans can fuck up simple directions and fill out forms incorrectly. This goes to prove just how fucking stupid Republicans really are. Talk about chewing off your own foot.....
Nothing screams democracy more than a physical date written on your outer ballot provision. Even though it would be postmarked by the USPS. Ahh, the voice of the people stands as long as you wrote down the date you made it known.
36 counties in PA allow for ballot “curing.” This was established before this election. If those counties changed their minds and the SC of PA ruled against this then that’s a true violation. Not being able to cure your ballot in counties that allow this is voter suppression and election fraud.
This may be important The illustration on our instruction sheet for signing and dating DID NOT MATCH what the ballot envelope actually looked like. (Cambria County, PA.) The idiocy of the double envelopes and signing and dating in PA is voter suppression of Dem mail-in votes.
This is date field on the envelope. You sign the envelope and fill in the current date. In Pennsylvania the post mark has no value, the ballot has to be received by 8 pm on Election Day to be counted. Not sure why it is so hard to write the date, they even pre-fill the “20” now.
While I want the election to magically go in Harris' favor, disagreeing/ complaining about a reasonable verdict resonates of Trumpism.
Asking questions first doesn't hurt esp if one's listening to the responses.
PA never has. Honestly, there's even a separate note printed on bright paper warning you if not filled out correctly, it won't count. I've used mail in ballot since COVID. People don't follow instructions. I'm old, but still have no problem.
I’m in Florida and used mail-in once or twice. During the Covid “lock down” I was isolated & the only caregiver for my husband. I’m old as well but not stupid & still, with the mail-in ballot they add so many unnecessary instructions & make you jump through so many hoops that it can seem confusing.
Pretty sure that adding "UNclear" stipulations to be able to vote is unconstitutional. How many hoops does one have to jump to vote in this country? We had a similar situation in our county regarding applications to run as precinct committee persons. All about control in politics.
Gee-whiz…this feels like when I was in the 7th grade and I turned in a quiz without my name at the top. My A went to an F over a technicality. My dad went to bat for me and got my F changed to the A I earned. Wish my Dad was alive to argue with the state of PA over a technicality. 😂
Needing to write the date is an arbitrary requirement in the first place. PA has date records by barcode for each ballot sent. Dating the exterior does nothing to help election security and risks disenfranchising people because of misinterpretation.
I find the directions easy, but I also have good vision, was raised with English as my first language, and regularly read complicated things for my work. The people who would find this hard aren't here commenting because they might also find apps challenging, but their votes should still count.
Mail in ballots should go through a review process to determine instructions are clear. Honestly, some materials have to be read several times for clarity. Is the problem voters or the materials? Who/what can help? Voting should be easy, not hard.
Are f’ing kidding me?!? What is going on???? When these justices have completely violated letter and spirit of the law, where do we go to get it back?
Why are we obeying these corrupted decisions?
Let us know just how many legitimate ballots were UNCOUNTED for petty “technicalities”!!
🗑️. increasing the complexity of dumb rules to make a vote valid is surely against some rule or law or statute other wise applicable- if not explicitly to voting itself to them surely to some public &/or private agreements, on official conduct or consumer rights...
Why the hell do they have all these freakin rules. Voting should be simple - not complicated. Not everyone follows directions or are confused by them. If they are a US citizen, vote should count.
This is so ridiculous. The date gets your ballot disqualified? How hard is it to contact the person to fix this? Everyone that participated in the election should have their ballot counted.
American voting sucks. In Australia we have our independent electoral commission that runs elections. We all vote by the same rules and do not have stupid rules like the example here.
I was going to say the same thing. A whole lot less votes for trumpf. Could it affect the EC number and give it to Harris? I’d like to know about that.
How do they know the person wrote the wrong date? Didn’t they date it the day they signed it? Was there a video in the envelope recording the date stamp of the signature?
Laughing at maga saying the decision is correct, but the last time the guy that lives in Connecticut ran for office he wanted all those ballots counted. The hypocrisy is palpable.
It’s easier to vote in person.
Might be a problem on the form itself.....but not on the Outside!
Republicans can’t win unless they cheat.
Asking questions first doesn't hurt esp if one's listening to the responses.
Why are we obeying these corrupted decisions?
Let us know just how many legitimate ballots were UNCOUNTED for petty “technicalities”!!