This drug-addled Captain Ketamine was on the Joe Rogan show claiming Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that doesn't collect enough taxes, so says Musk incoherently. Please send him back to South Africa.
I’m sorry, the court route is all fine and dandy under normal circumstances where the entire world is not against us. We are currently the abused wife who has called the police multiple times seeking a restraining order against our Law enforcement spouse. Who will kill us as soon as possible anyway
Probably not going to happen and if anyone does they will lie, so Judge, what's your plan? It better be to put them in jail until they cooperate otherwise what's the point of even having judges?
How much truth will we get from them under oath? I would venture to say none - they feel the rules do not apply. Thus far they’ve been shown they are right in believing that.
"Why don't you wear a suit (and take off your cap) when you are in the highest office of the land? Many Americans have a problem with your disrespect? Do you not own a suit?"
That is correct. We need to start writing SCOTUS NOW. Be polite, learn how to address them and let them know they are the last piece that can keep this Country that used to be the shining beacon of democracy and the leader of the free world. Presently we are neither.
It is not my job to teach a SCOTUS judge right from wrong, and IF it is, ain’t no “polite” about. They aren’t babies. They’re blackmailed. It’s IMPOLITE to be a SCOTUS judge who doesn’t know right from wrong but likes free money.
This may be an ignorant and/or naive question, but why is Leon not being ordered to appear before one of the judges hearing some of these cases? The claim that he's just a consultant and has no power to order firings, etc. is a transparent lie.
I don’t understand why the hell Congress is not doing this. that doge has its own budget is infuriating. Not a single GOP representative is doing their fucking job! Every American needs to be overwhelming these MFs w/ protests, calls, emails. Don’t let up on corp boycotting or Congress!
We still pretend that papers and words is gonna do what needs to be done with these people.
meaningless paperwork.
"Under oath...GOOD!"
You know, bc they ARE the law.
What’s the fed judge gonna do, order arrests or incarceration of rich people?
Of course not.
We don’t do that here.
Feel free to call me whatever you need to for it.