Also supports the people that out there in the courts challenging these people destroying the Rule of Law. Like monetary ways. Donate, subscribe...share their knowledge.
I am optimistic that in the long term we will win and the country will not only survive but thrive but I'm the short term we will go through hell, but if you're going through hell, keep going and the you'll make it out.
We need to get rid of Schumer. Find a Democrat that is gonna speak out and call out Trump on all his idiotic statements and stupid tariffs. The tariffs cost the taxpayer! What is wrong with the Dems in Congress?
This began during the Pandemic, when ordinary people suddenly had a lot of time on their hands, many for the first time in their lives. Introspection leads to conclusions sometimes at odds with those of the ruling class, the 'official' culture of the U.S., a self-proclaimed 'democracy.'
Yes. Find a like-minded friend, then another, sit together, discuss 1 issue, post it, write a letter, reply as a Group, find another friend, do it again. 1 friend, 1 group at a time. They may try to flood our democracy, but when this malignant abnormality recedes what's left will be fertile soil.
Democracy Docket- White Hats.
Thank you for fighting for all of us- tirelessly, everyday! 🇺🇸💙
Wish all the 1.3 Million lawyers who swore an Oath to the Constitution would join the fight.
a continuously updated project 2025 tracker. Detailed and impressive. How about a daily 5-minute 2025 report - to make all of this more real. I'll help if someone has the essential know-how. link to the story of it being developed.
The few fighting for the rule of law in the face of serious threats is inspiring many of us to keep doing our part.
Hope lasts with wins happening along the way.
These days I'm buying ammo. 😑
Thank you for fighting for all of us- tirelessly, everyday! 🇺🇸💙
Wish all the 1.3 Million lawyers who swore an Oath to the Constitution would join the fight.
a continuously updated project 2025 tracker. Detailed and impressive. How about a daily 5-minute 2025 report - to make all of this more real. I'll help if someone has the essential know-how. link to the story of it being developed.