Bea Arthur was an actress, a comedian and a singer. She was one of the iconic Golden Girls’ actresses. Prior, she was on “Maude” and “All in the Family.” She was one of the first women to join the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve. Her information has been scrubbed.
Women’s History Month
Women’s History Month
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Trump's regime is a Fascist State.
No different to the Taliban, ISIS, and Nazi Germany
The world is horrified, but only Americans can fix this with People Power. No one else can
And “the normals” like me are sad and ashamed of our country.
our apologies on either side of the aisle
I can't tell you how much it helps to see posts like yours, though. It's nice to know that there are people around the world who care enough to be concerned for us. Thank you!
WHY are they airbrushing women and people of colour from America's history? They served!
Active Duty, Guard, Reserves, and Retirees!
ALL #Veterans!
As Our Drill Sergeants, RDCs, MTIs, DIs, and RCCs Yelled At Us,
"We Will Not Lie, Steal, Or Cheat-Nor Tolerate Among Us Those Who Do!"
We ALL Know That Oath Still Means Something!
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Diversity is strength!
She could HELP the military recuit women!
OH, WAIT. Never mind.
I wouldn’t recommend ANY woman subject herself to the “new” military…where her contributions will not be recognized. And she won’t be supported.
(She’ll never be a white man. Nor will PoC, either. Sorry.)
Ya pUt tHe wEb pAgE uP
Ya take the wEb pAgE dOwN
thEn shAke iT aLL aBoUt
dO tHe hOkEy pOkEy
sPiN aRoUnD
aNd tHaT's wHaT they're aLL aBoUt
Looks hokey pokey. It costs tax Payers an Extra $36💰billion in February as compared to 2024, but math isn't their strong point.😜
Discuss defense cooperation or global security ?
Not Donald,
Donald bragged about how he uses transgender people as political pawns to rile up his base before elections
Donald Trump openly admits he uses human cruelty and manufactured culture war nonsense as a way to win.
They eyes...the nose....nope.
I'm not trying to pick a fight...
The first photo doesn't look like her to me, tho.
I am not sharing just pics.
I'm not saying it hasn't happened, more that the 'evidence' of removal is thin.
She was a helluva woman.
In other words..
A Boss Bitch!💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
pathetic guys
You desecrate the existence and accomplishment of women, then immigrants, then religion, countries...
Allowing elder demagogue white men billionaires
to gain power over how much air we will be permitted to breathe.
Safe happy waves from Canada
Fvck Hogsbreath, and Dump!
Wikipedia has her life story summarized well here:
Below is a summary of her military service:
Pure disrespect for the iconic heroes of the USA.