Yes! Privacy! A first step. Most of our shared restroom are archaic and not all that sanitary. Why do we want to pee and poop with little barriers between us and people we will be sitting across from shortly thereafter in meetings, etc.?
If all bathrooms had Buc-ees type stalls, it would be even less of an issue. Private potties for everyone! The ONLY downside is that if you’re out of TP, there’s no “spare a square?” option.
What a concept! Now if we could just resolve the seat up/seat down dilemma we could have a stab at word peace. Leave it up so the woman following you knows you didn't pee on the seat or put it back down so they don't have to?
I remember some fancy stall that had paper seat covers on a roll that had a little flush tab on them. Must have been a pain in the butt to maintain, haven't seen any recently, though I haven't been in many classy restaurants in a while either.
I was just at a conference in Utah that had a solitary "All Gender" restroom and it was pretty rad to watch people walking, be confused for a moment, then realize it's not that big of a deal. I really wish this would gain more acceptance but with the state of the world rn? Sigh...
Probably what will happen is businesses, worried about lawsuits from all directions, will simply stop having public restrooms, in a country where they are already few and far between
I have never seen as much gap between stalls as I have in the US. Beijing in 2021 and Victoria, Canada in 2023 had mostly gapless and unisex bathrooms when I visited.