JD Vance says it is "harassment for journalists to report that his university scholar mother in law does not agree with Vance's assault on civil rights.
Hey JD, that's actually called reporting. It's protected by something you might have heard about at Yale, the First Amendment.
Hey JD, that's actually called reporting. It's protected by something you might have heard about at Yale, the First Amendment.
And I believe he’s just smart enough to know he’s a spineless opportunistic sellout.
Think about when his kids get old enough to understand what he said & did.
Have you publicly disowned everyone you are related to that voted for Trump? I’m betting not. I’ve not seen many press releases from Craig about Uncle Jimbob
Fair is a place you show your pigs
Eventually a reporter or journalist will cross the line and gets jailed for it.
Have been for quite some time.
Unfortunately they are all still here and alive, it’s very fucked up