Rather than simply repeating Loudermilk's easily debunked attack on Liz Cheney, why not flip the script and get everyone focused on why he covered up Trump's inaction in response to the attack?
They were covering Trump’s threat regarding Cheney. Yes, they did go back to Republican remarks condemning Trump immediately after J6, but it was like this is a “real issue” for lawmakers to review.
Appalling that MSM does this every day.
Push for a speedy trial and only fight to denote violations of rights.
Then put them on trial as the Defense.
But that’s hard work. It’s also boring and tedious as fuck. So no one is doing it.
And this is a core irony of our situation. Trump wins mostly because he is too stupid to get bored.
Trump has successfully maneuvered Dems into a defensive posture. It’s his MO and it’s worked for years.