Now that Trump has begun cutting Europe (especially Ukraine) off from intelligence sharing, Europe can dedicate far more energy to figuring out how Russia got Trump to capitulate.
Since all his OTHER bribery is in plain sight, I suspect any RU bribery is lurking just below the surface.
Since all his OTHER bribery is in plain sight, I suspect any RU bribery is lurking just below the surface.
But by all means, let's get on that!
Whatever palm-greasing there has been, they had him at “hello.”
He needs Putin's permission, and Putin will only give it if he can destroy NATO.
Jokingly: I hope the pee tape is finally revealed
1. Putin legit has some atrocious kompromat on Trump.
2. When he was out of office and speaking to Putin he was told that Russia came up with a foolproof way to fuck up our election in Trump’s favor.
No other explanations make sense.
Simple bribery would be enough, with Trump.
Mind, I think it's complex, all built on Trump's narcissism (giving him psychic protection from thinking about being owned).
But Trump is an easy mark.
Bring that scheit up to the surface & expose it for all the world to see.
He was at the Riyadh Ukraine-without-Ukraine meeting. Right there in the room.
The coincidences never cease.
It matter not how they did it. It's here now. Our focus should be on neutralising the threat.
Or maybe the Finns. But I just have this feeling about Estonia.
He remains a master sTrAtEgIst.
MI6, DGSE, BND and other Western agencies will have intelligence on President Krasnov and his cronies. Particularly any interaction with Putin and Russian agents.
Perhaps when America pushes Europe or an individual nation too far ... ??
Putin has been grooming Trump since then. There's never been an easier mark than Trump. All it took was $$$.
I swear Jared and Ivanka are just the back channel to their keepers at this point.
This should trend every day of the week until the mid-terms.