Aside from roads and bridges, firefighters, police, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the military, water and sewer, deeds and titles, highway landscaping, snow clearing, road salting, and thousands of other services, yes....America will never be a socialist country.
The "don't like it, then leave" argument is so juvenile. The real world doesn't deal in such absolutes. MAGA sure does love the "don't like it, then leave" thing. Case in point, this tweet by Brigitte Gabriel: a woman so uncomfortable in her own skin that she changed both its color and her name.
The removal of medical is one of his examples?
Could’ve been sweet, voted dire.
Some people are fine with being a minion to a master. Just the way it is.
Maybe we get lucky and you get executed with your chubby turncoat for treason!
I personally cannot wait! Your obituary will double as a Ding Dong the Traitor Convict is Dead! Party invite!