For Aimovig, not really. You have to watch out for constipation though because it's the main side effect. For Trepiline 25mg, weight gain and daytime sleepiness. Otherwise no significant side effects.
When I was on topiramate I had worse brain fog and pins and needles, and beta blockers made me really fatigued. But the main reason I failed most of the meds is because they wouldn't reduce the migraine frequency by much. Had a 2 month intractable migraine while switching meds
It really is a minefield isn't it? The amount of codeine I'm on around the clock coupled with fibro, basically have brain fog and constipation/heavy fatigue round the clock anyway. I have really felt the increased appetite thought. Trying to get to grips with that.
Have you looked at the potential that you're experiencing rebound headaches? It's possible when you use painkillers daily. The highest risk is opioids, but it also applies to things like naproxen. My neurologist thought that was the case with me (I'm on Naproxen (Vimovo) and Palexia.
It could also be worth looking into an alternative to codeine that has less side effects. Palexia has very few side effects for me (much less than Tramadol), but it's quite strong and you develop a tolerance. I might look into nerve blocks this year to try get my pain more under control.
It's so frikkin difficult managing two painful conditions and the comorbidities that come with, I really empathise. I was diagnosed 14 years ago with fibro and was really hoping we'd have more solutions by now. My migraines started around 2022.
Do you think your migraines are part of your fibro? Or something unrelated? In the UK chronic symptoms and pain management is pretty poor. Have been denied pain clinic referral X4 times for unspecified reasons despite my protests. Have kind of given up on that element of treatment now.
Sounds reasonable. My codeine use has come down to 30mg prn, but is basically round the clock day and night. I was using 60 mg for years. Dread to think the damage I have caused, had little alternative with the consistent high pain levels.