the journal's publisher (or whoever the publisher outsourced this to) posted a version of the article with an incorrect list of authors. best guess is that they were typing my first name - Cyrus - into their database and it autofilled as another author's last name - Cyr.
all credit to the journal - they caught the mistake as soon as the publisher posted it and requested a correction. as a result the journal *never* posted the incorrect version of the article on their own website (
however, it looks like the publisher responded to the journal's request by doing what calls a "stealth correction" - i.e., they switched authors without noting any change to the version of record. indeed, they claim that the current version was posted on January 22 (it wasn't!).
On my side, I am now the coauthor of a book chapter I have never signed. In fact, their subcontractor has digitalized and put together two or three chapters together, including mine (son another title, page intervals...) I should write to them...