No. Absolutely not. You do not refer to targeted mob violence by an organised hate group as "antics". do better, our community needs you to do better do better, our community needs you to do better
It's a group with an ideological hatred, attacking those they hate. This is fascism. NOT "antics".
They won't do better. The press is NOT balanced, let alone factual.
Learn from US press who get pilloried and unsubscribed for being gutless in the face of societal breakdown.
None of this minimising language would be used if it was the behaviour of a progressive / leftist group protest action
*Proceeds to not let kids be kids*
The response they do justify is somewhere in the spectrum from "water cannon and millions in fines" to "machine gun"
300,000 dead in latest hubbub.
“The Prime Minister’s comment that the violent hate group “went too far” implies that there is an acceptable amount of hate that can be directed at LGBT communities.”
Is it some kind of creepy weird fetish?
Some deep-seated perversion caused by childhood incidents with a weird uncle?
I really wish they'd jump off the harbor bridge.
Not a fracas or antics.