TSF has NEVER been in a war zone so he definitely does not know how President Zelenskyy feels about protecting the democracy and freedom of his country. Because of TSF narcissism he cannot relate to real world events.
And the man not from Appalachia aka VP on the couch was obnoxious as heck.
He needs to choose a new name again. How about
"Salicious B Crumb"
The little rat like character that sat on Jabba the Hut in "Return of the Jedi"
Everytime I hear and see this pathetic orange shit stain, it's sickening to say the least. I'm running low on patience and then who comes along to add to this debauchery? His eyeliner wearing douchebag lapdog peddling for morsels siding with his adopted daddy. What shit show. I'm embarrassed..
Don't think it was directed at you and I can't find the thread. I'm sorry but I'm sick of Americans always blaming other countries for their own home-grown idiots. Zelensky supports Israel and I can't abide Trump but I'm not going to accept that because Trump is a bully, then Zelensky has to be ok
I agree Trump and co are home grown idiots and have no boundaries none.I don’t know that Zelenskyy supports Israel he may well but he should be looking at a rethink as Israel is no better than Russia.All I saw today was disgusting and could that same performance happen to our PM.
Hello!!!! It’s been clear since Jan 2017 why #Trump ran for President! Musk now sees how he can benefit from #Trump weakness. Call #Republican Senators and Reps who need a wake-up call. ☎️ Jan 2017 😡#RexTillerson Tillerson: https://qz.com/1034589/exxo...
I've served with braver men. Front line. It was good to see Jim Mattis step up today. Especially knowing how heavy the burden of leadership is. Trump dishonored himself as usual. What was particularly disheartening was seeing that same behavior from a US Marine, JD "Blue Falcon" Vance at the capital
And the bone spur wasn't even real. The doctor who wrote the letter for Trump did so as a favor to Fred Trump. He later admitted he had never seen DJT or X-rays and had done it in exchange for low, fixed rent in perpetuity.
He got a Dr to say it!
Daddy gave Dr free apartment for decades.
Cowards demand it!.
#USA lost its status as the world leader today. 🤬
And he did that with bone spurs .. yeah right
He needs to choose a new name again. How about
"Salicious B Crumb"
The little rat like character that sat on Jabba the Hut in "Return of the Jedi"
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
I feel embarrassed for all Americans who think that Trump's despicable and cringe-worthy behavior was even slightly acceptable.
Shame on you Trump!
Shame on you Americans for making this crap possible!
Prem Rawat
(yes, I know how close we are to that happening)