Darwin is about to make his case with the dumb dumbs. It’s going to extremely difficult for millions of people and it hurts me the most that children will pay the price for their parent’s ignorance. american oligarchs don’t care and the republicans don’t care. Y’all cannon fodder for them. Wake up.
They should all start bolstering their state military defenses. Each state is going to be on its own when the union collapses like the Soviet Union did in 1991.
The fact that these states disproportionately contribute to federal revenues is the result of economic forces. The fact that the archaic Electoral College, gerrymandering, etc. allow the other states to control how this money is spent is the Achilles heel of our constitutional democracy.
Why am I not seeing Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida the Dakotas, et al on this map? Too stupid and too lazy to compete in the real world?
and the bork states say nothing about the hardship they are enduring at the hands of the orange goblin their elected leaders truly hate their constituents
Yes! So those 3 States should postpone paying any federal taxes and pay the States only for now until we again have a federal government of the people for the people.
I feel the same but I am a bit biased in that I am Canadian. Not sure how to include Colorado and New Mexico, but perhaps they could be part of our good friends Mexico.
BTW, I think Minnesota is already a Canadian province, they just don't tell anyone.
Ah, a fellow Canuck. I'm sure if we got together with Mexico, we could come up with some plan. That way, trucks with Mexican produce could drive straight from Mexico into Canada! A shared border - how sweet would that be?
If west coast states were interested in joining either Canada or Mexico, the we would have a shared land bridge and Trump Tarrifs would be close to meaningless. He could rebuild his manufacturing and sell to no one.
Yes! The red states think that having more area makes them better, but they will sink without the blue states!
My red state takes way more than it gives. The blue states are propping it up.
MAGAts are welfare states. They cannot survive without blue states. We are feeding and supporting their livelihood. Why should we keep doing that charity stuff?
I live in a red state. If the blue states withheld paying the government their federal taxes, I'm all for it. Let the red states suffer. I'll take one for the team.
a blue state resident and I hope these states start holding back taxes and funds to the federal government. Just imagine the chaos in red states if they do.
All Blue State Governors need to be talking about seceding & forming a new nation together with allying to Mexico and Canada. It happen quickly in 1860/61 over slavery, taking away rights & tariffs, so it can happen again. Too far gone to save the sinking ship. All concerned should contact Governor
Might be too many differences and challenges to actually become part of Canada, but as their own new country we could form alliances (ie new free trade agreement, banking, healthcare)
Not in a blue state, I’m an Oregon native and Washington Oregon and California have spoken to Canada about becoming Cascadia. It’s not far fetched. I’d prefer that over an oligarchy.
This would be a great idea, actually.
But if we formed our own country we would have to fight the dirty reds who will be PISSED that we would no longer have them as a tax burden.
Doubt any combat would happen. You have the right to secede and many of the military bases are in blue states to use as leverage and negotiations. No different than US maintaining military bases in other countries now. Soldiers would have to pick sides. Not easy.
Maybe not Dave! Canada accepts USD until they can transition to our currency. Healthcare would be easy, especially with an initial influx of money from the newcomer "provinces", & hopefully, any trade agreements would be worked out on fly as we are already doing. I think it is worth it!👍👍
It's easier to secede and form their own country. Getting provinces to agree to accepting new provinces would be extremely complex and lengthy process. Then there's the matter of guns which Canada has very strict laws. Plus, where would border crossings be into red states?
I think Gov. Mills has the right idea. With hold federal taxes until the Trump administration straightens up and flies right. Stop supporting the red state leaches and reinvest in their own states.
Russia is breaking USA into smaller peaces with this dynamic, like happened to the USSR. To destroy a state you'll remove its foundations and it will fall apart by its own weight, that's why Trump is axing the federal government.
The red states always threaten to secede until they find out the gravy train would end for them. I have always hoped Texas would secede, but each time they threaten they wimp out!
Yes and the red states are sucking us all dry. I think the blue states should just leave the US. Let the red states fend for themselves. We’d do just fine.
REPUBLICANS ARE THREATENING TO TAKE COLORADOS FEDERAL FUNDING IF WE DONT PARDON TINA PETERS. She is the only one who has been prosecuted and jailed from 2020 election fraud.
As a Californian who pays a ton of taxes, honestly, I don’t mind the $ going to help those less fortunate than I, even in red states. What I do vehemently mind, is getting insulted & shit on by MAGA, who are completely clueless that without the blue states, the red states would be sunk. -Get a clue.
Yes. You are absolutely right. Someone said MAGAt states are roommates who never pay for rents or foods and never help cleaning. And sometimes take $20 from my wallet. Why would my tax dollars feed and support those roommates? We should kick them out.
Great take, I agree. Regardless of geography, there are still a few good people in red states that I don't mind supporting.
But the whole burden should not be on us either.
A person in Wyoming gets SEVENTY TIMES as much representation in the Senate as a person in California. Our blue tax dollars subsidize the red states AND we get screwed like that. It seems like taxation without representation led to some major changes in the past.....
As someone who lives in one of those revenue-producing states, it pisses me off beyond belief that our tax dollars subsidize red states, but we get screwed by unequal representation in the Electoral College and even more in the Senate, and the republicans gerrymander House districts.
I think blue states should stop paying federal taxes. That said, and to be fair, most people in red states aren’t equally represented either thanks to gerrymandering and voter suppression
Every single word.
My taxes are literally going to a bunch of idiots who voted to have our government overthrown by Nazis.
I don't want to keep subsidizing them.
Pa should've been blue. This was the first election that I saw visual support for a blue presidential candidate. Signs were everywhere, and social media presence was loud. Lines in Philly were long. It's very strange.
Ran the numbers…if blue states were their own country they would still be the largest economy in the world! We would also be the vast majority of the US population! We have all the money & power!! We need to stick together and use that power. This a Survivor episode…time to build alliances!!✊🏻
They should band together sweep up All the recently sacked scientists and researchers and hold onto that ip and then sell back to feds and reds. Science, medicine are valuable even if king Felonious and his crazy cabinet think otherwise
For all the good it does the Red States who cannot seem to generate enough local revenue to add to the disproportional amount that they receive from the Federales relative to Blue States.
he cant
biden did a sneaky on him
had pentagon and trudeau and biden sign a defense amendment to canada's defeace act
that now puts all critical minerals in PM of canada's direct control and he can redirect to ANY NATO MEMBER
he leaves he bones the usa
Although Michigan was manipulated into voting red this cycle, we are NOT a red state; ranked 26th in resident dependency, 31 overall government dependence.
I swear if our elected officials got real about the dictatorship that is happening, I’d love for #Massachusetts and #California to cut off all federal taxes somehow so we keep them in state.
You’re hopeful,but you won’t dodge MAGA being Canadian.We have our own “special” group of them.
O,we have QAnon too,including the queen!
So there’s that
So the answer is those states stop having their citizens pay into federal taxes and we pay it all to the state and fuck everybody else will take care of ourselves
Every single billionaire deserves 100% tax rate. Taken to the cleaners penniless. The ultimate boycott. Wealth redistribution. The very bottom-up grassroots. https://Pslweb.org abolish capitalism and the empire. Our values align perfectly psl and I. Boycott the government
Gross domestic product. California is the 4th largest economy in the world.
Texas produces more wealth than the rest of the states (minus Florida and the blue 8) but it has stiff competition from the other successful coastal states
I talked with 1 friend in each state and they all agree.
It can be very bloody, but I’d be happy to join Canada, now that America is following the Russian model.
And we’ll be fighting the same bigots.
Although people should be held accountable for their actions, which includes Trump & many of his friends, this is another distraction of MAGA and Trump Admin.
BTW, I think Minnesota is already a Canadian province, they just don't tell anyone.
Sweet indeed.
My red state takes way more than it gives. The blue states are propping it up.
I can’t believe we even give the taker red-states any say at all in how we spend our tax revenues.
But if we formed our own country we would have to fight the dirty reds who will be PISSED that we would no longer have them as a tax burden.
Call our country "World of Azure."
The rest will be CSA Cesspit States of America.
Co and NM south?
How to support the blue mid states?
Or all withhold taxes
We just have small man syndrome but whatever
Fuck the fed to the grave.
The red states however…not so much.
Leave Gilead.
¡Vaminos, compadres!
But the whole burden should not be on us either.
My taxes are literally going to a bunch of idiots who voted to have our government overthrown by Nazis.
I don't want to keep subsidizing them.
Something tells me their Dear Leader won't like the corporate reorg chart.
We are who keeps the lights on.
he leaves nato 2.0 will reform and reform without hungary
biden did a sneaky on him
had pentagon and trudeau and biden sign a defense amendment to canada's defeace act
that now puts all critical minerals in PM of canada's direct control and he can redirect to ANY NATO MEMBER
he leaves he bones the usa
They are stomping on their funding. There! Savings easily fixed.
Let the Nazi create a budget from red state $.
Red states basically told us we can get fucked when they elected traitor Trump. Maybe we have better options.
O,we have QAnon too,including the queen!
So there’s that
Every single billionaire deserves 100% tax rate. Taken to the cleaners penniless. The ultimate boycott. Wealth redistribution. The very bottom-up grassroots. https://Pslweb.org abolish capitalism and the empire. Our values align perfectly psl and I. Boycott the government
BLUE states will not tolerate a king.
uSA has become a pariah state internationally and is failing domestically
Let red states get hard outs from Muskrat and diaper don.
...disease, poverty, slashed veteran benefits, lack of healthcare, food, housing...
...international embarrassment, BECOMING A RUSSIAN STATE
Texas produces more wealth than the rest of the states (minus Florida and the blue 8) but it has stiff competition from the other successful coastal states