I think many have justified their avarice as good for the economy and thus the common man, an internalization of trickle down if you will. I’m more amazed that poor and middle class have bought into it. They had lifelong grooming though.
We must non-violently stop work the following weekend 3/22-3/23 for 48 hours, to coincide with protesting. We must shut down all flights, manufacturing, transportation, trucking, emergency response, hospitals, state and local government. We must shut down the country!
Tesla received $38 billion in subsidies from the US taxpayer and never said THANK YOU. TESLA earned $3 billion last year and paid ZERO in taxes. Let’s divest and depose Tesla.
Reporters should ask some of these millionaires and billionaires supporting Trump to specifically explain why they are against paying their fair share of taxes? How providing the poor with life essentials affect them? And tell them that helping the poor generates more income for them?
Yes, it takes a monumental POS, an asshole among assholes, a dickhead beyond any other dickhead, a 34 count felon, a traitor among traitors , a liar second only to Satan himself , a department store rapist who out rapists them all and a faithful ketamine junkie for a sidekick.
dude has never known poverty so was probably taught from birth that poverty is self inflicted even as he watched his father inflict it on everyone he ever came in contact with
Why do I need to imagine when i can see it live on tv? Don’t forget stop research and deleting database of search for 30,000+ stolen Ukrainian children
I can't imagine, all I can think about is how many people would be better off if I could help them. Guess that's why I am poor. You don't get rich by helping others that's just not how it works.
They came to kill everyone
Immediate response kill every damn nazi or die. 9 years of libs. Love trumps hate. It's wrong to punch nazis. Just vote harder. Hope over fear. Don't be weird. also you have this coming trump voters. Other side ha ha we owned the libs.
It boggles the mind. Citizens get absolutely NOTHING for free from the government. What we do pay for keeps getting higher & higher but our poor & middle class people do not get paid for working to keep up with the cost of everything for years & years now.
I agree with you of course, but that's not how Trump and Musk use their right of "free speech". They use it to lie, and to spread misinformation and propaganda. Even Grok AI knows that Musk is a liar.
Why do oligarchs pillage nations, bleeding them dry for unrelenting greed, only to send their wives, mistresses, and children to the comfort of Western countries? They could cultivate excellence—investing in science, technology, the arts—transforming their homelands into thriving, enlightened places
As law enforcement won't stand up, it is time for Americans to introduce Elon to a rope or the door.
If we take back our country from this right wing coup, the first thing we need to do is gut the FBI and put some folks in there willing to do their damn jobs.
It probably doesn't hurt that he doesn't have empathy. He probably doesn't even see them as people just things in between him and more sweet sweet government money
Such ridiculous amounts of wealth, they were talking about the billions that Elon has lost and how at the end of the day he's still the richest man in the world.
For many, great wealth becomes an addiction. If I have two billion, why can't I have ten or twenty billion? Bezos' ex-wife started giving away some of her money and realized that she kept making more money faster than she was giving it away. Work harder, I say. Too many just want to get more!
MAGA's Crypto!
Through these mechanisms under the U.S. Constitution, federal courts can check the powers of the executive branch, ensuring adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law:
1. Article III
2. Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2)
3. Judicial Review Established by Marbury v. Madison
Supreme Court should be pressured to reverse their Presidential Immunity Declaration. This is our only chance to survive a dictatorship. Without this reversal no one will be able to stop the Felon.
Right .
That takes a special kind of putrid evil.
A completely dark and empty soul
There are not enough curses in history or in all the Universes to wish upon these monsters .
fElon,tWump are interchangeable.
They are both the most wretched demons.
And taking away children's meals is the atrocity that is unforgivable. He is an absolutely disgusting person. Other wealthy donate to different programs. He has yet to donate, am I right ?
But then claim to have done nothing wrong and never hurting anyone but “people are burning my Teslas!” Then tried to pull this whole “I thought Dems were kind and empathetic, I guess they are just bad people” no Sir, but we can see one and we’ll take action accordingly.Has he tried saying Thank you?
Wealth doesn't make you have compassion. Wealth doesn't make you not have it. It's who you are. He comes from horrible people on both sides. He was raised to be who he is. Does it justify it, NO! He wants more wealth and he's racist. He wants an all white country, just like Hitler, Putin and Trump!
Hey there blue
We all know it’s true
Unless you’re rich they
Don’t care about you
Raping and pillaging
Is money well spent
And tax cuts will go
To the one percent
#resist #barsnotwars
When the reckoning comes, which I hope is soon, we should not imprison these people, we should impoverish them. Seize all their wealth & force them to live out the rest of their lives at minimum wage.
Require they report to receivers who will ensure they get not a penny more.
And do it in a really mean-spirited way. Like giving people 15 minutes to get out of their office when you close down their agency. Or sending them a badly written and insulting email demanding that they explain why they should keep their job.
UK analogue right now-
Imagine being a whole government elected to protect people, who have legitimate access to 10s of billions of pounds in taxes avoided by billionaires, waking up and thinking how can I please the greedy bastards by finding more ways to hurt the poor that elected us
At Quaker Meeting a Friend said: This is not mental illness, this is not righteous deregulation, this is not cultural confirmation, THIS is pure EVIL. #saveourdemocracy #lgbtq #veterans #immigrants #workers #students #socialsecurity
Elon is a narcissistic egomaniac. He actually thinks that the shit that spins around in his head is best for everyone. These technocratic Silicon Valley type assholes honestly think they’re smarter than everyone else and should rule and it will be better for everyone.
I assume that greed keeps him from being a philanthropist, yet being able to buy or do anything he wants has become boring.
Apparently that only leaves toppling governments and hurting the less fortunate, as his only form of entertainment.
He could have simply been a serial killer. It suits his personality to a T. But he was given immense wealth and the power which comes with
it. So he decided, why torture and kill a few individuals when I can do it to millions of people at once, with just a single spoken sentence.
Living nightmare.
Lately, every day is at least one new nightmare!
Everyone, please maintain your sanity and mental health.
You are not alone. Never.
Unite for the fight forward and good trouble!
Acknowledge and celebrate the small steps, victories & accomplishments.
Make your own heart smile and spread the smiles.
Thanks for the reminder!
Here, 🎁🙂, please accept this gift smile!
Pretty sick really. Becoming ultra wealthy is a disease. It makes them paranoid , power hungry & a totally over the top sense of self worth Pretty sad & pathetic
There's another kind of poverty
That only rich men know
A moral malnutrition
That starves their very souls
And they can't be saved with money
They're all running out of time
And all the while they're thinking
"It's ok 'Cause I've got mine"
He is a shell of a human , there’s not enough money or children or fame to fill the void , he’s fragile without an iota of empathy and almost doglike in his need of trump’s affection .
All billionaires are psychopaths. No empathy or conscience whatsoever. Someone of sound mind wouldn’t hoard enough money for several dozen lifetimes while others are starving.
I cannot imagine *any* of that!
But his goal to hurt the poor and elderly proves he is a sadist.
They came to kill everyone
Immediate response kill every damn nazi or die. 9 years of libs. Love trumps hate. It's wrong to punch nazis. Just vote harder. Hope over fear. Don't be weird. also you have this coming trump voters. Other side ha ha we owned the libs.
it shouldn’t be about
“how can i use free speech to benefit me”
it should be about
“how does free speech, when exercised responsibly and in good faith, benefit society as a whole”
I just can’t understand the cruelty.
Billionaire, F him and his little lap dog T
I'm GLAD I can't.
If we take back our country from this right wing coup, the first thing we need to do is gut the FBI and put some folks in there willing to do their damn jobs.
But, Lucifer is unleashed 👹
Through these mechanisms under the U.S. Constitution, federal courts can check the powers of the executive branch, ensuring adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law:
1. Article III
2. Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2)
3. Judicial Review Established by Marbury v. Madison
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
That takes a special kind of putrid evil.
A completely dark and empty soul
There are not enough curses in history or in all the Universes to wish upon these monsters .
fElon,tWump are interchangeable.
They are both the most wretched demons.
Hey there blue
We all know it’s true
Unless you’re rich they
Don’t care about you
Raping and pillaging
Is money well spent
And tax cuts will go
To the one percent
#resist #barsnotwars
Require they report to receivers who will ensure they get not a penny more.
Better than prison
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
#mobilize.us #fiftyfifty.one
Attend town hall meetings
Remember, as soon as this administration gets away with deporting ONE person without due process, they can do it to anyone.
Imagine being a whole government elected to protect people, who have legitimate access to 10s of billions of pounds in taxes avoided by billionaires, waking up and thinking how can I please the greedy bastards by finding more ways to hurt the poor that elected us
Cruelty is the #felontrump/muskrat brand.
Apparently that only leaves toppling governments and hurting the less fortunate, as his only form of entertainment.
But then again, I've never understood "e-v-i-l."
Never have, never will.
I do, however, believe w/ all my being
that good & decent people will "win out."
As long as we band together.
Long live the Resistance.
it. So he decided, why torture and kill a few individuals when I can do it to millions of people at once, with just a single spoken sentence.
Lately, every day is at least one new nightmare!
Everyone, please maintain your sanity and mental health.
You are not alone. Never.
Unite for the fight forward and good trouble!
Acknowledge and celebrate the small steps, victories & accomplishments.
Make your own heart smile and spread the smiles.
Thanks for the reminder!
Here, 🎁🙂, please accept this gift smile!
in my posts today to see what happens!
(I may have to smilingly borrow your gif “smile” too.)
I said what I said.
The will be remembered as robber barons. Their legacy will be one of hate & greed.
That only rich men know
A moral malnutrition
That starves their very souls
And they can't be saved with money
They're all running out of time
And all the while they're thinking
"It's ok 'Cause I've got mine"
People may hate me, but they will have to shoot my kid first.”
What a monster